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 Co-Teaching Series

​Module 3 - Co-Instructing for Student Success

The third module, Co-Instructing for Student Success explores instructional strategies to consider when co-planning to improve outcomes for students.

The module covers instructional practices that should be utilized with all students as well as specially designed instruction for students with disabilities.

Learning Targets:

  • I can describe how the co-teaching models, effective instructional strategies and knowledge of each students’ IEP goals and needed accommodations can be applied during co-instruction to optimize learning.    
  • I can implement principles of UDL and specially designed instruction to support successful co-instruction.
  • I can access multiple resources related to high impact instructional strategies to improve student achievement for all students, including students with disabilities.

Resources for Module 3 - Co-Instructing for Student Success:

Mini-Modules for Co-Instructing

Specially Designed Instruction Mini-Module

Universal Design for Learning Mini-Module