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 Co-Teaching Series

​Module 6: Co-Teaching for Student Success: A Practical Guide for Classroom Teachers

The following module was created in collaboration with the Georgia Learning Resources System and the Georgia Department of Education.

This module, Co-Teaching for Student Success: A Practical Guide for Classroom Teachers, is designed to provide teachers with a variety of tools that can be utilized within the co-taught classroom to ensure the use of the seven best practices related to highly effective co-teaching.

Co-teaching is more than using a model. It’s a partnership to provide substantially different instruction and outcomes for students with two teachers in the room. It is recommended that co-teaching teams participate in this professional learning together.

Learning Target:

The Participant will identify three or more resources applicable to improving co-teaching practices in their classroom, school or district.

Resources for Module 6 - Co-Teaching for Student Success: A Practical Guide for Classroom Teachers