A new GaDOE.org is coming soon!
205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SEAtlanta, GA 30334Local (404) 656-2800Toll Free: (800) 311-3627 (GA)Fax: (404) 651-8737Email: askdoe@gadoe.org
Good afternoon! Click here for the October GaDOE newsletter, which you can print or view on your computer/tablet/phone. Schools, districts, and organizations, we encourage you to share the newsletter with parents and other stakeholders, either by printing out copies or distributing to your email lists.
If you know someone who would enjoy these updates, have them sign up at http://www.gadoe.org/Pages/Newsletter-Signup.aspx. Please send your tips, ideas, and events for GaDOE Updates to us so we can share your information with others.