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November 17,
2017 – Georgia
brought home 18 national awards and a
newly named national Vice
President from the Future Farmers of America (FFA) 90th National
Georgia’s national winners were two Career Development Event (CDE) winners, six
national proficiency award winners, eight national Agriscience Fair winners,
the nation’s Outstanding Middle School chapter, and the winner of the National
FFA Alumni Outstanding Affiliate.
Ian Bennett, a
junior at University of Georgia from Valdosta, Ga., was elected to serve as FFA
National Vice President for a year.
impressive representation at the FFA convention shows our state’s
commitment to Career, Technical and Agricultural Education, an area of critical
focus to ensure personalized learning as well as a well-prepared future workforce,” State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. “I
commend these students for actively engaging with their education and pursuing excellence at a large venue
like the FFA Convention.”
National Winners from
Garrett Harrell,
Colquitt County, Proficiency-Ag Processing
Courtney Cameron,
Lowndes County, Proficiency-Agriscience Research Plant Systems
Thomas Logan
Waldrop, Franklin County, Proficiency-Beef Production Placement
Landon Herring,
Lowndes County, Proficiency-Diversified Crop Placement
Cody Wofford,
Madison County, Proficiency-Equine Science Placement
Ben Murray, Berrien
County, Proficiency-Home and Community Development
Gracy Sexton &
Brooklyn Carr, Sonoraville, Agriscience Fair, Animal Systems-4
Cedric Montgomery
& Zachary Gay. Lowndes County, Agriscience Fair, Environmental/Natural
Zachary Daw,
Lowndes County Middle, Agriscience Fair, Food Products & Processing-1
Jaylin Johnson
& Alexis Herring, Lowndes County, Agriscience Fair, Food Products &
Levi Herring &
Shaw Wacter, Lowndes County, Agriscience Fair, Plant Systems-6
Carol-Ann Worsham
& Benjamin Wortham, Gordon Central; Agriscience Fair, Power, Structure,
& Technology-6
Communications CDE
Cambridge FFA – team members: Brittany Breedlove, Cailey Doyle, Hayley Desandre
& Aalia Garrett
Forestry CDE
Bleckley County FFA – team members: Blake Bohannon, Leann Hearn, Tucker
Felkins, & Jacob Smith
West Jackson Middle
School, Jefferson, Ga., Outstanding Middle School
Miller County
Alumni, Outstanding Alumni Chapter
For more
information on Georgia’s results, click here.