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 Curriculum and Instruction

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Division of Curriculum an​​d Instruction supports evidence-based instructional practices and strategies ​for di​fferentiated, innovative, and effective teaching and learning based on the State-adopted standards in support of a balanced curriculum for the whole child​.​

Geo​rgia Standards

Georgia K-12 teachers in collaboration with post-secondary educators, business and industry representatives, parents, and educational agen​cies and organizations work to develop challenging and relevant standards. Georgia standards are reviewed on a regular cy​cle to stay​ current with our ever-changing, fast-paced, and technological society. All content area standards are available in SuitCASE and sample instructional resources​, are available in Inspire which can both be located in GaConnects.​


  • Aligning Literacy State Policies and Practices: Connecting the Georgia Literacy Act (H​B538), Georgia's K-12 English Language Arts Standards, Georgia's Early Intervention Program (EIP) and Georgia's Dyslexia Efforts (SB 48): Aligning Literacy State Policies and Practices – Updated Guidance
  • LEXILE CERTIFICATION IS NOW AVAILABLE AT NO COST FOR GEORGIA EDUCATORS: The Georgia Department of Education is offering a high-quality professional development opportunity to educators for the 2023-24 school year. Georgia educators now have access to MetaMetrics’ Lexile Educator Academy at no cost. This consists of a 10- hour, self-paced professional development course that provides a blueprint for matching students with leveled resources and individualizing student goals. For additional information, check out t​his Flyer and Video. Click here to access registration for GA Educators. This training is provided to support strategic literacy work but is not intended to meet the professional learning requirements of HB 538.
  • GaConnects​ provides access to GaDOE learning resources, standards, data, GaDOE Community and professional learning opportunities for all content areas. 
  • Listen to the latest Classroom Conversations podcast

Rules and Guidance

Gradu​ation Rule​​​​

Awarding Credit Rule

Official List of State Funded C​ourses for 2024-2025

Frequently Requested Guidance​

Content Area Standards

​Profess​ional Learning Opportunities

GaDOE Community
Please visit this link t​o access the catalog of upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities (

​Curriculum Supervisors Professional Learning Resources

Teaching and Lea​rning Newsletters​

For weekly Teaching and Learning Updates, please subscribe to "Right Now Resources." ​​ To read issues from 2021-22 please visit: T&L Newsletter Archives​

    Instr​u​ctional R​esour​ces for Families a​nd Teachers​


    In response to COVID-19, the Georgia Department of Education partnered with Georgia Public Broadcasting​ to launch the Georgia Home Classroom. Georgia families and teachers can access K-12 resources produced by Georgia teachers that are aligned to the Georgia Standards of Excellence.​

    The Essential Toolkit 

    We also provide many other free instructional resources aligned to the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE). These resources were selected by ​GaDOE content area specialists, to be used by Georgia teachers. Please visit GeorgiaStandards.Org​.

    Assessment R​​esources

    ​Freque​nt​​ly Requested Information​​​​

    Dual Enrollment​​

    For more information about dual enrollment please visit: Dual Enrollment ​​​​

    Teacher Certification

    ​Contact the Georgia Professional Standards Commission regarding certification at (800) 869-7775 or email:​

    Home Schools and Curriculum

    The agency does not endorse or provide a curriculum for home study programs. Visit GaDOE Home School or email

    Georgia Transfer​

    A partnership of Georgia’s educational organizations whose mission is to make course transfer information available to all Georgia citizens through a we​b portal​.

    ​​Supplemental Information​

    • TBA

    Contact Information

    Felicia Purdy
    Director of Curriculum and Instruction

    Kellie Martin
    Business Support Analyst


    Georgia Standards logo

    Go to: Georgia's Systems of Continuous            Improvement​​

    Georgia’s Systems of Continuous Improvement 

    The Georgia Department of Education’s strategic plan emphasizes transforming the agency into one that provides meaningful support to schools and districts.  The agency has developed a common, continous improvement framework to ensure that these efforts are aligned across all agency divisions, departments, and programs.