| 2025-26 | 8/1/2025 | 6/30/2026 | DRC BEACON | Admin Window | DRC BEACON Admin Window |
| 2025-26 | 8/1/2025 | 6/30/2026 | Keenville | Admin Window | Keenville Admin Window |
| 2025-26 | 8/4/2025 | 8/22/2025 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC August 2025 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2025-26 | 9/8/2025 | 9/19/2025 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC September 2025 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2025-26 | 10/6/2025 | 10/17/2025 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC October 2025 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2025-26 | 10/17/2025 | 10/17/2025 | GKIDS 2.0 Readiness Check | Admin Window | GKIDS 2.0 Readiness Check Window (Must be completed 6 weeks from the posted start of the local district or charter school year.) |
| 2025-26 | 11/3/2025 | 11/14/2025 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC November 2025 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2025-26 | 11/17/2025 | 1/7/2026 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC Winter 2025 Main Administration |
| 2025-26 | 1/7/2026 | 2/27/2026 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Admin Window | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS 2026 Administration Window |
| 2025-26 | 1/19/2026 | 1/30/2026 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC January 2026 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2025-26 | 2/9/2026 | 2/20/2026 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC February 2026 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2025-26 | 3/2/2026 | 3/13/2026 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC March 2026 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2025-26 | 3/23/2026 | 5/1/2026 | GAA 2.0 | Admin Window | GAA 2.0 Administration Window |
| 2025-26 | 4/6/2026 | 5/15/2026 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOG Spring 2026 Main Administration |
| 2025-26 | 4/13/2026 | 5/22/2026 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC Spring 2026 Main Administration |
| 2025-26 | 5/11/2026 | 7/17/2026 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOG 2026 Retest Window (Grades 3, 5, and 8 ELA and MATH) |
| 2025-26 | 6/8/2026 | 7/17/2026 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC 2026 Summer Main Administration |
| 2025-26 | 7/7/2026 | 5/11/2026 | GKIDS 2.0 | Admin Window | GKIDS 2.0 Admin Window |
| 2024-25 | 7/8/2024 | 5/12/2025 | GKIDS 2.0 | Admin Window | GKIDS 2.0 Admin Window |
| 2024-25 | 7/11/2024 | 7/11/2024 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0/Readiness Check Pre-Administration |
| 2024-25 | 7/16/2024 | 7/16/2024 | All Assessments | Training | 2024-25 State Assessment Training for STCs - Part 1 - Test Security, Assessment Planning, Student Privacy |
| 2024-25 | 7/18/2024 | 7/18/2024 | All Assessments | Training | Fall 2024 Technology Directors Training |
| 2024-25 | 7/25/2024 | 7/25/2024 | Keenville | Training | Keenville Pre-Administration |
| 2024-25 | 7/30/2024 | 7/30/2024 | DRC BEACON | Training | DRC BEACON Pre-Administration |
| 2024-25 | 8/1/2024 | 8/1/2024 | GA Milestones | Training | Fall 2024 Mid-Month EOC Test Set-up |
| 2024-25 | 8/1/2024 | 6/30/2025 | DRC BEACON | Admin Window | DRC BEACON Admin Window |
| 2024-25 | 8/1/2024 | 6/30/2025 | Keenville | Admin Window | Keenville Admin Window |
| 2024-25 | 8/5/2024 | 8/23/2024 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC August 2024 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2024-25 | 8/16/2024 | 8/16/2024 | All Assessments | Training | August 2024 Assessment Office Hours - New STCs and Charter School Administrators |
| 2024-25 | 8/22/2024 | 8/24/2024 | FIP | Training | FIP #1 Do Better by Students: FIP Professional Learning |
| 2024-25 | 9/9/2024 | 9/20/2024 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC September 2024 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2024-25 | 9/10/2024 | 9/10/2024 | All Assessments | Training | 2024-25 State Assessment Training for STCs - Part 2 - Special Populations |
| 2024-25 | 9/13/2024 | 9/13/2024 | All Assessments | Training | September 2024 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2024-25 | 10/3/2024 | 10/3/2024 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0 Reporting |
| 2024-25 | 10/7/2024 | 10/18/2024 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC October 2024 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2024-25 | 10/8/2024 | 10/8/2024 | GA Milestones | Training | Winter 2024 EOC Pre-Administration and Test Setup Training |
| 2024-25 | 10/10/2024 | 10/10/2024 | NAEP (selected schools only) | Training | NAEP Pre-Administration Training |
| 2024-25 | 10/17/2024 | 10/17/2024 | FIP | Training | FIP #2 Using FIP for Instructional Improvement Planning |
| 2024-25 | 10/18/2024 | 10/18/2024 | GKIDS 2.0 Readiness Check | Admin Window | GKIDS 2.0 Readiness Check Window (Must be completed 6 weeks from the posted start of the local district or charter school year.) |
| 2024-25 | 10/25/2024 | 10/25/2024 | All Assessments | Training | October 2024 Assessment Office Hours |
| 2024-25 | 11/4/2024 | 11/15/2024 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC November 2024 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2024-25 | 11/7/2024 | 11/7/2024 | WIDA ACCESS/WIDA Alternate ACCESS | Training | WIDA ACCESS/WIDA Alternate ACCESS Pre-Administration Training |
| 2024-25 | 11/8/2024 | 11/8/2024 | All Assessments | Training | November 2024 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2024-25 | 11/14/2024 | 11/14/2024 | DRC BEACON | Training | Using DRC BEACON to Inform Instruction |
| 2024-25 | 11/18/2024 | 1/8/2025 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC Winter 2024 Main Administration |
| 2024-25 | 12/5/2024 | 12/5/2024 | FIP | Training | FIP #3 Design Formative Assessments for Lessons with FIP |
| 2024-25 | 12/6/2024 | 12/6/2024 | All Assessments | Training | December 2024 Assessment Office Hours |
| 2024-25 | 1/8/2025 | 2/28/2025 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Admin Window | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS 2025 Administration Window |
| 2024-25 | 1/10/2025 | 1/10/2025 | All Assessments | Training | January 2025 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2024-25 | 1/13/2025 | 1/24/2025 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC January 2025 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2024-25 | 1/14/2025 | 1/14/2025 | All Assessments | Training | Spring 2025 Technology Directors Training |
| 2024-25 | 1/16/2025 | 1/16/2025 | GAA 2.0 | Training | GAA 2.0 Pre-Administration and Test Setup |
| 2024-25 | 1/23/2025 | 1/23/2025 | FIP | Training | FIP #4 Leading FIP Professional Learning |
| 2024-25 | 1/24/2025 | 1/24/2025 | All Assessments | Training | January 2025 Assessment Office Hours |
| 2024-25 | 1/27/2025 | 3/7/2025 | NAEP (selected schools only) | Admin Window | NAEP Admin Window (selected schools only) |
| 2024-25 | 2/3/2025 | 2/14/2025 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC February 2025 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2024-25 | 2/6/2025 | 2/6/2025 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0 Mid-year Training and Reporting |
| 2024-25 | 2/14/2025 | 2/14/2025 | All Assessments | Training | February 2025 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2024-25 | 2/18/2025 | 2/18/2025 | GA Milestones | Training | 2025 Spring/Summer EOG/EOC Pre-Administration and Test Setup |
| 2024-25 | 2/27/2025 | 2/27/2025 | DRC BEACON | Training | DRC BEACON Mid-Year Guidance and Reports |
| 2024-25 | 2/27/2025 | 2/27/2025 | FIP | Training | FIP #5 Teaching Students to Rethink their Work |
| 2024-25 | 3/3/2025 | 3/14/2025 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC March 2025 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2024-25 | 3/14/2025 | 3/14/2025 | All Assessments | Training | March 2025 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2024-25 | 3/21/2025 | 3/21/2025 | All Assessments | Training | March 2025 Assessment Office Hours |
| 2024-25 | 3/24/2025 | 5/2/2025 | GAA 2.0 | Admin Window | GAA 2.0 Administration Window |
| 2024-25 | 3/27/2025 | 3/27/2025 | FIP | Training | FIP #6 The Road to Student Ownership of Learning |
| 2024-25 | 4/7/2025 | 5/16/2025 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOG Spring 2025 Main Administration |
| 2024-25 | 4/14/2025 | 5/23/2025 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC Spring 2025 Main Administration |
| 2024-25 | 4/17/2025 | 4/17/2025 | FIP | Training | FIP #7 More on Student Ownership of Learning |
| 2024-25 | 4/24/2025 | 4/24/2025 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0 End-of-Year Reporting |
| 2024-25 | 5/12/2025 | 7/11/2025 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOG Retest 2025 Window |
| 2024-25 | 5/22/2025 | 5/22/2025 | WIDA ACCESS/WIDA Alternate ACCESS | Training | WIDA ACCESS/WIDA Alternate ACCESS Post Assessment Training |
| 2024-25 | 6/9/2025 | 7/11/2025 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC Summer 2025 Main Administration |
| 2023-24 | 7/13/2023 | 7/13/2023 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0/Readiness Check Pre-Administration |
| 2023-24 | 7/18/2023 | 7/18/2023 | All Assessments | Training | 2023-24 State Assessment Training for STCs - Part 1 - Test Security, Assessment Planning, Student Privacy |
| 2023-24 | 7/20/2023 | 7/20/2023 | All Assessments | Training | Fall 2023 Technology Directors Training |
| 2023-24 | 7/25/2023 | 7/25/2023 | GA Milestones | Training | Fall 2023 Mid-Month EOC Test Set-up |
| 2023-24 | 7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 | Keenville | Training | Keenville Pre-Administration |
| 2023-24 | 7/31/2023 | 5/13/2024 | GKIDS 2.0 | Admin Window | GKIDS 2.0 Admin Window |
| 2023-24 | 7/31/2023 | 10/20/2023 | GKIDS 2.0 Readiness Check | Admin Window | GKIDS 2.0 Readiness Check Window (Must be completed 6 weeks from the posted start of the local district or charter school year.) |
| 2023-24 | 7/31/2023 | 6/28/2024 | Keenville | Admin Window | Keenville Admin Window |
| 2023-24 | 8/1/2023 | 8/1/2023 | DRC BEACON | Training | DRC BEACON 2023 Pre-Administration |
| 2023-24 | 8/1/2023 | 6/30/2024 | DRC BEACON | Admin Window | DRC BEACON Admin Window |
| 2023-24 | 8/7/2023 | 8/25/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC August 2023 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2023-24 | 8/18/2023 | 8/18/2023 | All Assessments | Training | August 2023 Assessment Office Hours - New STCs and Charter School Administrators |
| 2023-24 | 8/23/2023 | 8/23/2023 | FIP | Training | FIP #1 Do Better by Students: FIP Professional Learning |
| 2023-24 | 9/5/2023 | 9/15/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC September 2023 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2023-24 | 9/8/2023 | 9/8/2023 | All Assessments | Training | September 2023 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2023-24 | 9/12/2023 | 9/12/2023 | All Assessments | Training | 2023-24 State Assessment Training for STCs - Part 2 - Special Populations |
| 2023-24 | 10/5/2023 | 10/5/2023 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0 Reporting |
| 2023-24 | 10/9/2023 | 10/20/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC October 2023 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2023-24 | 10/12/2023 | 10/12/2023 | NAEP (selected schools only) | Training | NAEP Pre-Administration Training |
| 2023-24 | 10/17/2023 | 10/17/2023 | GA Milestones | Training | Winter 2023 EOC Pre-Administration and Test Setup Training |
| 2023-24 | 10/18/2023 | 10/18/2023 | FIP | Training | FIP #2 Using FIP for Instructional Improvement Planning |
| 2023-24 | 10/20/2023 | 10/20/2023 | All Assessments | Training | October 2023 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2023-24 | 10/27/2023 | 10/27/2023 | All Assessments | Training | October 2023 Assessment Office Hours |
| 2023-24 | 10/30/2023 | 11/10/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC November 2023 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2023-24 | 11/2/2023 | 11/2/2023 | WIDA ACCESS/WIDA Alternate ACCESS | Training | WIDA ACCESS/WIDA Alternate ACCESS Pre-Administration |
| 2023-24 | 11/9/2023 | 11/9/2023 | DRC BEACON | Training | Using DRC BEACON to Inform Instruction |
| 2023-24 | 11/17/2023 | 11/17/2023 | All Assessments | Training | November 2023 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2023-24 | 11/20/2023 | 1/10/2024 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC Winter 2023 Main Administration |
| 2023-24 | 11/29/2023 | 11/29/2023 | FIP | Training | FIP #3 Design Formative Assessments for Lessons with FIP |
| 2023-24 | 12/1/2023 | 12/1/2023 | All Assessments | Training | December 2023 Assessment Office Hours |
| 2023-24 | 1/9/2024 | 1/9/2024 | All Assessments | Training | Spring 2024 Technology Directors Training |
| 2023-24 | 1/10/2024 | 3/1/2024 | WIDA ACCESS/WIDA Alternate ACCESS | Admin Window | WIDA ACCESS/WIDA Alternate ACCESS Administration Window |
| 2023-24 | 1/12/2024 | 1/12/2024 | All Assessments | Training | January 2024 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2023-24 | 1/15/2024 | 1/26/2024 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC January 2024 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2023-24 | 1/23/2024 | 1/23/2024 | GAA 2.0 | Training | GAA 2.0 Pre-Administration and Test Setup |
| 2023-24 | 1/24/2024 | 1/24/2024 | FIP | Training | FIP #4 Leading FIP Professional Learning |
| 2023-24 | 1/26/2024 | 1/26/2024 | All Assessments | Training | January 2024 Assessment Office Hours |
| 2023-24 | 1/29/2024 | 3/8/2024 | NAEP (selected schools only) | Admin Window | NAEP Admin Window (selected schools only) |
| 2023-24 | 2/1/2024 | 2/1/2024 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0 Mid-year Training and Reporting |
| 2023-24 | 2/5/2024 | 2/16/2024 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC February 2024 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2023-24 | 2/9/2024 | 2/9/2024 | All Assessments | Training | February 2024 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2023-24 | 2/15/2024 | 2/15/2024 | DRC BEACON | Training | DRC BEACON Mid-Year Guidance and Reports |
| 2023-24 | 2/20/2024 | 2/20/2024 | GA Milestones | Training | 2024 Spring/Summer EOG/EOC Pre-Administration and Test Setup |
| 2023-24 | 2/21/2024 | 2/21/2024 | FIP | Training | FIP #5 Teaching Students to Rethink their Work |
| 2023-24 | 3/4/2024 | 3/15/2024 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC March 2024 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2023-24 | 3/8/2024 | 3/8/2024 | All Assessments | Training | March 2024 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2023-24 | 3/15/2024 | 3/15/2024 | All | Training | March 2024 Assessment Office Hours |
| 2023-24 | 3/20/2024 | 3/20/2024 | FIP | Training | FIP #6 The Road to Student Ownership of Learning |
| 2023-24 | 3/25/2024 | 5/3/2024 | GAA 2.0 | Admin Window | GAA 2.0 Administration Window |
| 2023-24 | 4/8/2024 | 5/17/2024 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOG Spring 2024 Main Administration |
| 2023-24 | 4/15/2024 | 5/24/2024 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC Spring 2024 Main Administration |
| 2023-24 | 4/17/2024 | 4/17/2024 | FIP | Training | FIP #7 More on Student Ownership of Learning |
| 2023-24 | 4/25/2024 | 4/25/2024 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0 End-of-Year Reporting |
| 2023-24 | 5/13/2024 | 7/12/2024 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOG 2024 Retest Window (Grades 3, 5, and 8 ELA Only) |
| 2023-24 | 6/10/2024 | 7/12/2024 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC 2024 Summer Main Administration |
| 2022-23 | 7/5/2022 | 5/15/2023 | GKIDS 2.0 | Admin Window | GKIDS 2.0 Admin Window |
| 2022-23 | 7/5/2022 | 10/19/2022 | GKIDS 2.0 Readiness Check | Admin Window | Must be completed six weeks from the posted start of the local district or charter school year |
| 2022-23 | 7/18/2022 | 11/23/2022 | GA Milestones | Admin Task | Test Set-Up Window Fall MM EOC 2022 |
| 2022-23 | 7/20/2022 | 7/20/2022 | All Assessments | Training | Fall Conference - Part 1 - Test Security, Assessment Planning, Student Privacy |
| 2022-23 | 7/20/2022 | 7/20/2022 | GA Milestones | Training | Fall 2022 EOC Test Set-Up |
| 2022-23 | 7/21/2022 | 7/21/2022 | All Assessments | Training | Fall Conference - Part 2 - Special Populations |
| 2022-23 | 7/21/2022 | 7/21/2022 | DRC BEACON | Training | DRC BEACON Pre-Administration Training |
| 2022-23 | 7/25/2022 | 7/25/2022 | All Assessments | Training | Technology Directors Training |
| 2022-23 | 7/26/2022 | 7/26/2022 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0 and Readiness Check Pre-Administration |
| 2022-23 | 7/27/2022 | 7/27/2022 | Keenville | Training | Keenville Pre-Administration |
| 2022-23 | 8/1/2022 | 6/30/2023 | Keenville | Admin Window | Keenville Admin Window |
| 2022-23 | 8/1/2022 | 6/30/2023 | DRC BEACON | Admin Window | DRC BEACON Admin Window |
| 2022-23 | 8/1/2022 | 8/19/2022 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC August 2022 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2022-23 | 8/4/2022 | 8/4/2022 | All Assessments | Training | DRC BEACON and FIP Overview |
| 2022-23 | 8/8/2022 | 8/19/2022 | GA Milestones | Admin Task | Winter 2022 Enrollment Count Window |
| 2022-23 | 8/12/2022 | 8/12/2022 | All Assessments | Training | Assessment Office Hours - New STCs and Charter School Administrators |
| 2022-23 | 9/6/2022 | 9/16/2022 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC September 2022 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2022-23 | 9/9/2022 | 9/9/2022 | All Assessments | Training | September 2022 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2022-23 | 10/3/2022 | 11/25/2022 | NAEP | Admin Window | NAEP - PISA (selected schools only) |
| 2022-23 | 10/3/2022 | 1/13/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Task | Winter 2022 EOC Test Setup Window |
| 2022-23 | 10/5/2022 | 11/21/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Admin Task | Test Materials Ordering Available in WIDA AMS |
| 2022-23 | 10/6/2022 | 10/6/2022 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0 Reporting |
| 2022-23 | 10/10/2022 | 10/21/2022 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC October 2022 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2022-23 | 10/10/2022 | 12/16/2022 | NAEP | Admin Window | NAEP - Age 13 Long Term Trend (selected schools only) |
| 2022-23 | 10/11/2022 | 10/11/2022 | GA Milestones | Training | Winter 2022 EOC/Spring 2023 Mid-Month Test Setup and Pre-Administration |
| 2022-23 | 10/14/2022 | 10/14/2022 | All Assessments | Training | October 2022 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2022-23 | 10/18/2022 | 10/18/2022 | NAEP | Training | CANCELLED (8/25/2022) NAEP Pre-Administration (Sampled Systems Only) |
| 2022-23 | 10/28/2022 | 10/28/2022 | All Assessments | Training | Assessment Office Hours |
| 2022-23 | 11/7/2022 | 11/18/2022 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC November 2022 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2022-23 | 11/10/2022 | 11/10/2022 | DRC BEACON | Training | Using DRC BEACON to Inform Instruction |
| 2022-23 | 11/14/2022 | 12/13/2022 | GAA 2.0 | Admin Task | GAA 2.0 Enrollment Count Window |
| 2022-23 | 11/16/2022 | 11/16/2022 | FIP | Training | Using FIP for Instructional Improvement Planning |
| 2022-23 | 11/17/2022 | 11/17/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training (Date Change) | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS Pre-Administration and Test Integrity |
| 2022-23 | 11/18/2022 | 11/18/2022 | All Assessments | Training | November 2022 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2022-23 | 11/28/2022 | 1/6/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC Winter 2022 Main Administration |
| 2022-23 | 12/2/2022 | 12/2/2022 | All Assessments | Training | Assessment Office Hours |
| 2022-23 | 12/5/2022 | 3/3/2023 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Admin Task | WIDA AMS Test Setup Available for Test Sessions |
| 2022-23 | 12/16/2022 | 1/20/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Task | Spring 2023 EOG/EOC Enrollment Count Window |
| 2022-23 | 1/3/2023 | 3/24/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Task | EOC Spring 2023 MM Test Setup |
| 2022-23 | 1/4/2023 | 1/4/2023 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Admin Task | Districts Receive Test Materials |
| 2022-23 | 1/4/2023 | 2/24/2023 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Admin Task | Additional Test Material Ordering Window in WIDA AMS |
| 2022-23 | 1/10/2023 | 1/10/2023 | All Assessments | Training | Technology Directors Training |
| 2022-23 | 1/11/2023 | 3/3/2023 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Admin Window | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS 2023 Administration Window |
| 2022-23 | 1/12/2023 | 1/12/2023 | FIP | Training | Leading FIP Professional Learning |
| 2022-23 | 1/13/2023 | 1/13/2023 | All Assessments | Training | January 2023 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2022-23 | 1/16/2023 | 1/27/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC January 2023 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2022-23 | 1/24/2023 | 1/24/2023 | GAA 2.0 | Training | GAA 2.0 Pre-Administration and Test Setup |
| 2022-23 | 1/26/2023 | 1/26/2023 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0 Mid-year Training and Reporting |
| 2022-23 | 1/27/2023 | 1/27/2023 | All Assessments | Training | Assessment Office Hours |
| 2022-23 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | GAA 2.0 | Training | GAA 2.0 Test Administration Procedures |
| 2022-23 | 2/6/2023 | 2/17/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC February 2023 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2022-23 | 2/6/2023 | 2/17/2023 | NAEP | Admin Window | NAEP - Field Trial (selected schools only) |
| 2022-23 | 2/9/2023 | 2/9/2023 | DRC BEACON | Training | DRC BEACON - Mid-Year Guidance and Reports |
| 2022-23 | 2/10/2023 | 2/10/2023 | All Assessments | Training | February 2023 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2022-23 | 2/21/2023 | 2/21/2023 | GA Milestones | Training | Spring/Summer 2023 EOG/EOC Test Setup and Pre-Administration |
| 2022-23 | 2/23/2023 | 2/23/2023 | FIP | Training | Design Formative Assessments for Lessons with FIP |
| 2022-23 | 2/24/2023 | 2/24/2023 | All Assessments | Training | Assessment Office Hours |
| 2022-23 | 2/27/2023 | 5/5/2023 | GAA 2.0 | Admin Task | GAA 2.0 Test Setup Window |
| 2022-23 | 2/27/2023 | 5/26/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Task | GA Milestones Spring 2023 EOG Test Setup Window |
| 2022-23 | 2/27/2023 | 6/2/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Task | GA Milestones Spring 2023 EOC Test Setup Window |
| 2022-23 | 3/1/2023 | 5/31/2023 | NAEP | Admin Window | NAEP - TIMSS (selected schools only) |
| 2022-23 | 3/1/2023 | 5/31/2023 | NAEP | Admin Window | NAEP - ICILS (selected schools only) |
| 2022-23 | 3/6/2023 | 3/17/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC March 2023 Mid-Month Administration |
| 2022-23 | 3/8/2023 | 3/8/2023 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Admin Task | Deadline for Shipping Completed Test Materials to DRC |
| 2022-23 | 3/10/2023 | 3/10/2023 | All Assessments | Training | March 2023 Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2022-23 | 3/13/2023 | 3/13/2023 | GAA 2.0 | Admin Task | GAA 2.0 Test Materials arrive in districts |
| 2022-23 | 3/16/2023 | 3/16/2023 | FIP | Training | FIP - Teaching Students to Rethink their Work |
| 2022-23 | 3/20/2023 | 4/14/2023 | NAEP | Admin Window | NAEP - Field Test (selected schools only) |
| 2022-23 | 3/27/2023 | 5/5/2023 | GAA 2.0 | Admin Window | GAA 2.0 2023 Main Administration |
| 2022-23 | 3/30/2023 | 4/12/2023 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Admin Task | Pre-Reporting Data Validation Window |
| 2022-23 | 4/10/2023 | 5/19/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOG Spring 2023 Main Administration |
| 2022-23 | 4/17/2023 | 5/26/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC Spring 2023 Main Administration |
| 2022-23 | 4/20/2023 | 4/20/2023 | FIP | Training | FIP - The Road to Student Ownership of Learning |
| 2022-23 | 4/24/2023 | 7/21/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Task | GA Milestones Summer 2023 EOG Retest Test Setup Window |
| 2022-23 | 4/27/2023 | 4/27/2023 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0 End-of-Year Reporting |
| 2022-23 | 4/28/2023 | 4/28/2023 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Admin Task | Reports and Data Files Available - Online - in WIDA AMS |
| 2022-23 | 5/8/2023 | 5/19/2023 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Admin Task | Post-Reporting Data Validation Window - in WIDA AMS |
| 2022-23 | 5/12/2023 | 5/12/2023 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Admin Task | Reports Available in Districts (Printed) |
| 2022-23 | 5/15/2023 | 7/14/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOG Retest 2023 Window (Updated 4/15/2022) |
| 2022-23 | 5/15/2023 | 7/19/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Task | GA Milestones Summer 2023 EOC Test Setup Window |
| 2022-23 | 5/18/2023 | 5/18/2023 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS Post-Assessment |
| 2022-23 | 6/6/2023 | 6/6/2023 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Admin Task | Updated Data Posted to WIDA AMS |
| 2022-23 | 6/9/2023 | 6/9/2023 | GKIDS 2.0 | Admin Task | GKIDS 2.0 Platform Closes |
| 2022-23 | 6/12/2023 | 7/14/2023 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOC Summer 2023 Main Administration |
| 2021-22 | 7/6/2021 | 5/16/2022 | GKIDS 2.0 | Admin Window | GKIDS 2.0 Admin Window - Corrected |
| 2021-22 | 7/6/2021 | 10/15/2021 | GKIDS 2.0 Readiness Check | Admin Window | GKIDS 2.0 Readiness Check Window (Open for all districts until 10/15/21. Attempt to complete Readiness Check tasks early in the school year and prior to the 10/15/21 close of window.) Updated |
| 2021-22 | 7/13/2021 | 7/13/2021 | All Assessments | Training | Fall Conference - Part 1 - Test Security, Assessment Planning, Student Privacy |
| 2021-22 | 7/20/2021 | 7/20/2021 | GA Milestones | Training | Fall 2021 EOC Test Set-up Training |
| 2021-22 | 7/20/2021 | 7/20/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA ACCESS for ELLs Online: Speaking Test and How it is Scores |
| 2021-22 | 7/22/2021 | 7/22/2021 | All Assessments | Training | Technology Directors Training |
| 2021-22 | 7/22/2021 | 7/22/2021 | Keenville | Training | Keenville Pre-Administration Training |
| 2021-22 | 7/26/2021 | 7/26/2021 | All Assessments | Training | Annual Charter School Assessment Training |
| 2021-22 | 7/27/2021 | 7/27/2021 | All Assessments | Training | Fall Conference - Part 2 - Special Populations |
| 2021-22 | 7/29/2021 | 7/29/2021 | DRC BEACON | Training | DRC BEACON Pre-Administration Training |
| 2021-22 | 7/29/2021 | 7/29/2021 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0 & Readiness Check Pre-Administration Training |
| 2021-22 | 8/2/2021 | 8/20/2021 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | August Mid-Month EOC Window |
| 2021-22 | 8/2/2021 | 6/30/2022 | DRC BEACON | Admin Window | DRC BEACON Admin Window |
| 2021-22 | 8/2/2021 | 6/30/2022 | Keenville | Admin Window | Keenville Admin Window |
| 2021-22 | 8/3/2021 | 8/3/2021 | All Assessments | Training | Accessibility and Accommodations - Part 1: Overview of Accessibility and Accommodations in GA |
| 2021-22 | 8/3/2021 | 8/3/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Screener for Kindergarten |
| 2021-22 | 8/5/2021 | 8/5/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training | ACCESS for ELLs - Accommodations |
| 2021-22 | 8/9/2021 | 8/20/2021 | GA Milestones | Task | GA Milestones Winter 2021 EOC Enrollment Count Window |
| 2021-22 | 8/10/2021 | 8/10/2021 | All Assessments | Training | Accessibility and Accommodations - Part 2: Selecting and Documenting Accommodations |
| 2021-22 | 8/10/2021 | 8/10/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Secure Portal Overview |
| 2021-22 | 8/12/2021 | 8/12/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Screener Online |
| 2021-22 | 8/17/2021 | 8/17/2021 | All Assessments | Training | Accessibility and Accommodations - Part 3: Implementation Scenarios |
| 2021-22 | 8/17/2021 | 8/17/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Screener Paper |
| 2021-22 | 8/31/2021 | 8/31/2021 | All Assessments | Training | Accessibility and Accommodations - Part 4: Monitoring of Accommodations |
| 2021-22 | 9/7/2021 | 9/17/2021 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | September Mid-Month EOC Window |
| 2021-22 | 9/9/2021 | 9/9/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training | ACCESS for ELLs GA-Specific Training |
| 2021-22 | 9/10/2021 | 9/10/2021 | All Assessments | Training | Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2021-22 | 9/14/2021 | 9/14/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Welcome Back: What's New in 2021 |
| 2021-22 | 9/15/2021 | 9/15/2021 | TestPad/FIP | Training | Test Pad/FIP Overview |
| 2021-22 | 9/16/2021 | 9/16/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Pre-Testing: ACCESS for ELLs for New Test Administrators |
| 2021-22 | 9/21/2021 | 9/21/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Pre-Testing: ACCESS for ELLS for New District Test Coordinators |
| 2021-22 | 9/23/2021 | 9/23/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Pre-Testing: Software Updates & Technology Readiness Checklist |
| 2021-22 | 10/4/2021 | 5/6/2022 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | Secure Practice Test Window |
| 2021-22 | 10/4/2021 | 1/14/2022 | GA Milestones | Task | GA Milestones Winter 2021 EOC Test Setup Window |
| 2021-22 | 10/5/2021 | 10/5/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Pre-Testing: Technology Installations |
| 2021-22 | 10/6/2021 | 11/22/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Task | Test Materials Ordering Available in WIDA AMS |
| 2021-22 | 10/6/2021 | 11/22/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Task | Load Pre-ID File into WIDA AMS |
| 2021-22 | 10/7/2021 | 10/7/2021 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0 & Readiness Check Training - Reporting |
| 2021-22 | 10/11/2021 | 10/22/2021 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | October Mid-Month EOC Window |
| 2021-22 | 10/12/2021 | 10/12/2021 | GA Milestones | Training | Winter 2021/Spring 2022 Mid-Month EOC Test Setup & Pre-Administration Training |
| 2021-22 | 10/12/2021 | 10/12/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Pre-Testing: Ordering Materials in WIDA AMS |
| 2021-22 | 10/13/2021 | 10/13/2021 | PSAT | Admin Window | Primary Test Date |
| 2021-22 | 10/13/2021 | 10/13/2021 | FIP | Training | FIP: How Schools Can Improve |
| 2021-22 | 10/14/2021 | 10/14/2021 | NAEP | Training | NAEP Pre-Administration Training (Sampled Systems Only) |
| 2021-22 | 10/15/2021 | 10/15/2021 | All Assessments | Training | Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2021-22 | 10/19/2021 | 10/19/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Pre-Testing: Test Scheduling |
| 2021-22 | 10/21/2021 | 10/21/2021 | GAA 2.0 | Training | GAA 2.0 Overview and Eligibility |
| 2021-22 | 11/8/2021 | 11/19/2021 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | November Mid-Month EOC Window |
| 2021-22 | 11/9/2021 | 11/9/2021 | DRC BEACON | Training | DRC BEACON - Using BEACON to Inform Instruction |
| 2021-22 | 11/9/2021 | 11/9/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Pre-Testing: Technology Coordinator Support for Test Administrators |
| 2021-22 | 11/10/2021 | 11/10/2021 | FIP | Training | FIP: Using GA FIP Resources to Support Improvement Planning |
| 2021-22 | 11/12/2021 | 11/12/2021 | All Assessments | Training | Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2021-22 | 11/16/2021 | 11/16/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs for New Test Administrators |
| 2021-22 | 11/18/2021 | 11/18/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA During Testing: Managing Students in WIDA AMS (Online) |
| 2021-22 | 11/23/2021 | 11/23/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Test for New Test Administrators |
| 2021-22 | 11/29/2021 | 1/7/2022 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | Winter 2021 Main EOC Window |
| 2021-22 | 11/30/2021 | 11/30/2021 | GA Milestones | Training | GA Milestones Interactive Reporting Overview and Training - Fall MM/Winter 2021 EOC |
| 2021-22 | 12/2/2021 | 12/2/2021 | Keenville | Training | Keenville Training |
| 2021-22 | 12/2/2021 | 12/2/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training | ACCESS for ELLs - Test Integrity |
| 2021-22 | 12/6/2021 | 3/4/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Task | Test Setup Available for Test Sessions |
| 2021-22 | 12/7/2021 | 12/7/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA During Testing: Managing Test Sessions (Online) |
| 2021-22 | 12/8/2021 | 12/8/2021 | FIP | Training | FIP: Using FIP Courses to Design Better lesson-based Formative Assessments |
| 2021-22 | 12/9/2021 | 12/9/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS Pre-Administration Training |
| 2021-22 | 12/14/2021 | 12/14/2021 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA During Testing: Managing Students in WIDA AMS (Paper) |
| 2021-22 | 12/17/2021 | 1/21/2022 | GA Milestones | Task | Spring 2022 EOG/EOC Enrollment Count Window |
| 2021-22 | 1/4/2022 | 1/4/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA During Testing: Managing Test Materials (Paper) |
| 2021-22 | 1/5/2022 | 1/5/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Task | Districts Receive Test Materials |
| 2021-22 | 1/5/2022 | 2/25/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Task | Additional Test Material Ordering Window in WIDA AMS |
| 2021-22 | 1/6/2022 | 1/6/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA During Testing: Technology Troubleshooting |
| 2021-22 | 1/11/2022 | 1/11/2022 | All Assessments | Training | Technology Directors Training |
| 2021-22 | 1/12/2022 | 3/4/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Admin Window | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS Admin Window |
| 2021-22 | 1/13/2022 | 1/13/2022 | FIP | Training | FIP: Creating Optimal Opportunities to Lead FIP |
| 2021-22 | 1/14/2022 | 1/14/2022 | All Assessments | Training | Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2021-22 | 1/17/2022 | 1/28/2022 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | January Mid-Month EOC Window |
| 2021-22 | 1/20/2022 | 1/20/2022 | GAA 2.0 | Training | GAA 2.0 Nextera Platform Training |
| 2021-22 | 1/24/2022 | 3/4/2022 | NAEP | Admin Window | NAEP Admin Window (selected districts only) |
| 2021-22 | 1/27/2022 | 1/27/2022 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0 Mid-year Training and Reporting |
| 2021-22 | 1/27/2022 | 1/27/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Post-Testing: Returning Materials (Paper) |
| 2021-22 | 2/1/2022 | 2/1/2022 | DRC BEACON | Training | DRC BEACON - Mid-Year Guidance and Reports |
| 2021-22 | 2/1/2022 | 2/1/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA During Testing: Monitoring Completion for Test Coordinators (Online) |
| 2021-22 | 2/3/2022 | 2/3/2022 | GAA 2.0 | Training | GAA 2.0 Test Administration Procedures |
| 2021-22 | 2/7/2022 | 2/18/2022 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | February Mid-Month EOC Window |
| 2021-22 | 2/11/2022 | 2/11/2022 | All Assessments | Training | Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2021-22 | 2/11/2022 | 2/11/2022 | GKIDS 2.0 | Task | Mid-Year Checkpoint - District Option to Pull Reports for Review |
| 2021-22 | 2/17/2022 | 2/17/2022 | GAA 2.0 | Training | GAA 2.0 Pre-Administration Training |
| 2021-22 | 2/22/2022 | 2/22/2022 | GA Milestones | Training | Spring/Summer 2022 EOC and EOG Test Setup & Pre-Administration Training |
| 2021-22 | 2/24/2022 | 2/24/2022 | FIP | Training | FIP: Leading Teachers to Help Students Revise their Thinking Using Formative Assessment |
| 2021-22 | 2/28/2022 | 5/27/2022 | GA Milestones | Task | GA Milestones Spring 2022 EOG Test Setup Window |
| 2021-22 | 2/28/2022 | 6/3/2022 | GA Milestones | Task | GA Milestones Spring 2022 EOC Test Setup Window |
| 2021-22 | 3/7/2022 | 3/18/2022 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | March Mid-Month EOC Window |
| 2021-22 | 3/8/2022 | 3/8/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Post-Testing: Data Validation |
| 2021-22 | 3/9/2022 | 3/9/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Task | Deadline for Shipping Completed Test Materials to DRC |
| 2021-22 | 3/11/2022 | 3/11/2022 | All Assessments | Training | Assessment Lunch and Learn |
| 2021-22 | 3/15/2022 | 3/15/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training - https://wida.wisc.edu | WIDA Post-Testing: Interpreting Score Reports |
| 2021-22 | 3/17/2022 | 3/17/2022 | FIP | Training | FIP: Organizing to Help Teachers Facilitate Student Ownership of Learning |
| 2021-22 | 3/21/2022 | 4/29/2022 | GAA 2.0 | Admin Window | GAA 2.0 Admin Window |
| 2021-22 | 3/22/2022 | 3/22/2022 | GA Milestones | Training | GA Milestones Interactive Reporting Overview and Training - Spring 2022 EOG and EOC |
| 2021-22 | 3/31/2022 | 4/13/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Task | Pre-Reporting Data Validation Window |
| 2021-22 | 4/11/2022 | 5/20/2022 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | Spring Main EOG Window |
| 2021-22 | 4/18/2022 | 5/27/2022 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | Spring Main EOC Window |
| 2021-22 | 4/18/2022 | 7/22/2022 | Ga Milestones | Task | GA Milestones Summer 2022 EOG Retest Test Setup window |
| 2021-22 | 4/19/2022 | 4/19/2022 | FIP | Training | FIP: Overview of New FIP Courses |
| 2021-22 | 4/21/2022 | 4/21/2022 | Keenville | Training | Keenville Training |
| 2021-22 | 4/28/2022 | 4/28/2022 | GKIDS 2.0 | Training | GKIDS 2.0 End-of-Year Reporting |
| 2021-22 | 4/29/2022 | 4/29/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Task | Reports and Data Files Available - Online - in WIDA AMS |
| 2021-22 | 5/9/2022 | 7/15/2022 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | EOG Retest Window |
| 2021-22 | 5/9/2022 | 5/20/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Task | Post-Reporting Data Validation Window - in WIDA AMS |
| 2021-22 | 5/13/2022 | 5/13/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Task | Reports Available in Districts (Printed) |
| 2021-22 | 5/16/2022 | 7/20/2022 | Ga Milestones | Task | GA Milestones Summer 2022 EOC Test Setup Window |
| 2021-22 | 5/19/2022 | 5/19/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Training | ACCESS for ELLs Post-Administration Training (CANCELLED 4/25/2022) |
| 2021-22 | 6/7/2022 | 6/7/2022 | ACCESS for ELLs/Alternate ACCESS | Task | Updated Data Posted to WIDA AMS |
| 2021-22 | 6/10/2022 | 6/10/2022 | GKIDS 2.0 | Task | GKIDS 2.0 Platform Closes |
| 2021-22 | 6/13/2022 | 7/15/2022 | GA Milestones | Admin Window | Summer EOC Window |