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 Nontraditional Career Resources

Nontraditional Career Resource Documents

Nontraditional career resource documents and tools for continuous improvement.

  • Program Concentrations Monitored for Nontraditional Enrollment – This file represents Georgia’s matrix for Federal reporting purpose since Georgia does not currently adhere to the national 16 Career Clusters and national pathways. In Spring 2013, a new worksheet reflecting Georgia's 17 clusters and Georgia specific pathways will be posted to assist local schools with their analysis of performance level data. Since the Perkins core indicators are reported by clusters, this document will identify those course numbers associated with each cluster.
  • GaDOE Targeted Nontraditional Pathways for Perkins IV – This document represents the original Perkins IV identified nontraditional pathways for special attention throughout the state. Local systems are encouraged to focus on all pathways with underrepresented groups as part of the continuous improvement effort; however, special attention should be devoted to these pathways listed in this document for participation and completion.
  • Secondary Nontraditional Enrollment Worksheet for Improving Participation – This document represents a suggested worksheet to assist LEAs with the analysis of local school/system data for the state identified pathways based on the concentration career development model.
  • The 5-Step process for increasing the number of underrepresented genders participating and completing CTAE pathways – This power point will assist local systems in the 5-step process and provide resources to assist in the process.
  • National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity’s ( “Nontraditional Career Preparation: Root Causes and Strategies” – This document represents research by the National Alliance of Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) regarding root causes and strategies that can address the identified root causes to improve the performance levels of underrepresented gender groups.
  • Finding CTAE Data – This power point will assist local system in finding both enrollment and Perkins Core Indicator Data for their school, system and state.
  • 10 Reasons Women Struggle in STEM from with research as why more women don't pursue careers in STEM fields. 
  • Annotated Resource List for Gender Equity in Career Education
  • Taking the Road Less Traveled Edition II – This CD/toolkit assist local systems with awareness, recruitment, retention and placement of students in nontraditional career pathways. All high schools and middle schools should have copies of this resource.
  • Destination Success – This CD is a supplement to Taking the Road Less Traveled and offers additional information. Every high school and middle school should have a copy.
  • Nontraditional Career Banners - Available from
  • Perkins IV Crosswalk Table 3. Aligns nontraditional CIP to National Clusters.