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Results of AYP Amended Report Now Available

 MEDIA CONTACT : Matt Cardoza, GaDOE Communications Office, (404) 651-7358,  - Follow us on Twitter and Facebook    -  NOTE : The state's final Graduation Rate will not be available until later this month.     October 15, 2010  -- Results from the amended Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) report are now available on the GaDOE website. You can find reports for individual schools at the following link:     AYP is the formula used to determine if schools are meeting expectations under the federal No Child Left Behind Act. It consists of three parts -- test participation, academic achievement and another statistic, called a "second indicator." The academic goals continue to rise every few years toward a goal of 100 percent proficiency for all students by 2014. All students at a school, as well as any qualifying subgroup of students, must meet goals in all three categories in order to "make AYP." Schools that do not make AYP for two consecutive years in the same subject are placed in "Needs Improvement" status and face escalating consequences.    MORE INFORMATION   - GaDOE's Adequate Yearly Progress Webpage:    - 2010 AYP "By the Numbers":     - 2010 AYP Reports:    