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 Special Education Annual Reports and Data Analytics

​​​​​​​​Data Sources, Rules and Definitions

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004), each state is required to develop a State Performance Plan (SPP) that evaluates the State’s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of IDEA 2004. The State must establish measurable targets for the performance of Students with Disabilities (SWD) on 17 performance indicators defined by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). Georgia’s SPP and its current Annual Performance Report (APR) are posted on the State Performance Plan (SPP), Annual Performance Reports (APR) and Annual Determinations ( webpage. In addition to the SPP/APR, OSEP requires all states to report annually to the public on the performance of each Local Educational Agency (LEA) located in the state on the targets established in the State Performance Plan.

The purpose of The Division for Special Education Services and Supports Annual Reports is to provide information on the data indicators that measure both the State and individual LEA annual progress compared to the targets established in the SPP. This document is organized by performance indicators and provides guidance on the data sources, methods of calculations, and data definitions for each indicator.​

In addition to the APR reports, the Division of Special Education Supports and Services also provides a Data Analytics tool for all LEAs. The Data Analytics tool provides the opportunity to examine LEA trend data on SPP/APR Indicators, such as Least Restrict Environment (LRE), and other reported information, such as Timely and Accurate submission of data. Data can be examined in multiple formats including a line graph, bar chart, and summary table. The purpose of the Data Analytics tool is to provide trend information of the State’s and LEA’s performance across multiple years on specific Indicators. LEAs and their stakeholders can use the analysis tool to examine the strengths and weaknesses of their data to inform more effective programming. LEAs can also network based upon positive data trends to examine promising interventions and strategies producing positive outcomes for students with disabilities.​

View Data Trends ​​Here​​​​​

 Contact Information


Linda Castellanos
Special Education Services and Supports
Part B Data Manager
Email:        ​