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Superintendent Woods Supports Legislation Increasing Local Control and Expanding Opportunities for Students

MEDIA CONTACT: Matt Cardoza, GaDOE Communications Office, (404) 651-7358,


State School Superintendent Richard Woods today released the following statements regarding introduced legislation that would increase local control and expand opportunities for students:

HB 801

·         Optional rigor requirements for HOPE scholarship eligibility

·         Adds advanced computer science courses to the list of high school courses as an option to fulfill HOPE scholarship eligibility

·         The Georgia Student Finance Commission will assist in providing information on fields in high demand and associated workforce shortages in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and healthcare; identify the courses that are academically rigorous and their relevance to aforementioned fields

·         Applies an additional GPA 0.5 point weight for specific science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) college courses

“I support HB 801 because it includes advanced computer science courses as an option for HOPE scholarship eligibility. With the higher demand for STEM-related jobs, it is wise to encourage more students to go into STEM fields in college. This legislation will incentivize that and remove financial barriers, making the HOPE scholarship more accessible.”


HB 739

·         Revise process for state-approved instructional material and content ​allowing for greater transparency and input at the local level

·         Locally approved instructional material and content will be available for parents and community members to view and review

“I support HB 739 because it would allow parents to be part of the process for reviewing instructional materials and content to be used in the classroom.  Local communities know best what fits the needs of their students. This legislation increases transparency and ensures true input at the local level."


HB 402

·         Insurance; encourage employers to provide work-based learning opportunities for students age 16 and older

·         Provides for an optional reduction in workers’ compensation premiums to employers that provide work-based learning, which will allow more students to participate in work-based learning programs

·         Provides workers’ compensation to students over 16 who are participating in a work based learning program

“HB 402 is a testament to what can happen when the business and education communities work together to expand opportunities for Georgia's students. Work-based learning gives students real-life experiences by teaching them skills that make them more competitive in the workplace, and help businesses by supplying a better-trained future workforce. Because HB 402 would encourage employers to provide work-based learning opportunities, I fully support it.”

