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July 14, 2016 – The Georgia Department of Education today released the first Financial Efficiency Star Ratings for local school districts in Georgia. To view the ratings, click here. The Financial Efficiency Star Rating provides a measure of a district’s per-pupil spending in relation to the academic achievements of its students. Specifically, the rating is based on a three-year average of per-pupil spending, which is then associated with the district’s CCRPI score. Each district receives a rating ranging from one-half star to five stars; a five-star district can be described as having strong academic outcomes and lower levels of expenditures in comparison with other districts.This is the first release of these data, and the ratings are associated with the 2012-13, 2013-14, and 2014-15 academic years. Next year, the data will include ratings for individual schools.All school districts have been given an opportunity to provide a response or additional information which they believe will assist their constituents in understanding the expenditures included in the calculation and the effect on the district’s rating. To view the ratings along with district responses, visit ccrpi.gadoe.org. Choose a school district, then select one of the following report types: elementary, middle, or high school. Then, click on the "Financial Efficiency" tab. The overall district rating is displayed in each of the three report types.OCGA § 20-14-33 requires that the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, in coordination with the Georgia Department of Education, create a financial efficiency rating. The rating must be based upon five stars.