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 Obtaining Signed Use Agreements from All School Staff

Use agreements should be returned by all staff by a determined date, and retained by the school.

Note needs to be made of staff requesting professional development. This should be followed up with appropriate professional learning.

Presenting the Cybersafety Policy and Use Agreements to Students and Their Families

Parents are to be given the use agreement preferably with the relevant background information, and told a date by which to return the signed form.

The school’s cybersafety policy needs to be available for parents to read on the school website and/or in print form, and/or made available in the enrolment pack for each family.

If the school is undertaking meetings with parents, these are also an opportunity to discuss the school’s cybersafety initiatives, policy and use agreements. It is useful for parents to have an understanding of some of the online risks and what the school is doing to manage those risks. The policy and use agreements are part of that management.

Parents should be encouraged to regularly discuss with their children the benefits and risks of cyberspace. Parents can expand their own knowledge of cybersafety issues by visiting the NetSafe website (, purchasing/reading the publication NetGuide for Parents or visiting other cybersafety sites.