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College and Career Academies

College and Career Academy Information 

In 2007, newly elected Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle established Georgia's College and Career Academy Network to offer high school students access to accredited college-level courses and technical certification programs.  College and Career Academies represent a community partnership between a local school system, a technical college or post-secondary institution, and business leaders represented on the academy's governing board, to ensure the fulfillment of its workforce development mission specific to each community.  Each year, the General Assembly appropriates funds in the state budget to facilitate a competitive grant process that helps school systems build College and Career Academies.

​Georgia law established a college and career academy certification process by the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) in partnership with the State Board of Education [see O.C.G.A. § 20-4-37].  Certification requirements include submission of annual report information to TCSG through the Department of Education.  While the State Board of Education is required to report to the General Assembly each year on the status of the college and career academies created through charter school contracts [see O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2067.1(c) and § 20-2- 2070], college and career academies are now incorporated into Charter System contracts and Strategic Waivers School System contracts [see O.C.G.A. § 20-2-326].

  • The Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) and the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) have collaborated to develop statewide articulation agreements that will allow students to receive TCSG college credits for certain Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) courses.

List of 2021-2022 College and Career Academies

​​​ Annual Reports

​​College and Career Academy Governing Board Training        ​