GALILEO stands for Georgia LIbrary LEarning Online, an initiative of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. A World Wide Web-based virtual library, GALILEO provides access to multiple information resources, including secured access to licensed products. Participating institutions may access over 100 databases indexing thousands of periodicals and scholarly journals. Over 2000 journal titles are provided in full-text. Other resources include encyclopedias, business directories, and government publications. Password required.
Resources for School Library Media Program Development
Links to management tools and materials concerning intellectual freedom, program planning and assessment, collection development, flexible scheduling, collaboration, technology, standards, and school reform.
Media Curriculum for K-12 –from Clayton County Schools
This Media Curriculum guide was created by the Clayton County Media Specialists and Curriculum Committee and revised on 10/20/00. It lists specific skills which should be incorporated with curriculum areas to teach students how to access information. The curriculum guide has been keyed to QCC objectives, Georgia CRCT, Basic Skills Test and TAP.