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 Equitable Services for Private School - School Closures

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1.     How might current school closures impact ESSA Equitable Services?







The availability of Equitable Services will vary district to district.

·      Districts whose staff are not currently working will be unable to provide services, which may cause a delay in services and payment for services.

·      Districts whose staff are currently working may be able to provide services, though the availability of those services may be impacted by factors external to the agency.

·      In the event that private schools are providing virtual education rather than closing school, they may be able to carry out agreed upon equitable services.  Potential delays in LEA provided services and payment for services will be largely dependent on public school closing and staffing.


2.     Can tutors provide equitable services in-person or through a virtual setting?


The provision of equitable services by tutors is currently allowable. However, there are other logistical considerations beyond allowability that may influence implementation like access to technology, access to software, internet and resources, and availability of tutoring staff. In addition, some LEAs have limited work hours and access to district records, which could also impact receipt of documentation, authorization of payment, and payment itself. Further, individuals providing tutorial should keep time and effort documentation. 

3.     What steps should private schools and public schools take with regards to canceled professional development and associated travel?


If the professional development and associated travel was allowable and agreed upon in consultation and canceled relative to COVID-19, the GaDOE recommends seeking reimbursement or transferrable credit. In the event that expenditures cannot be recovered, if the event and associated costs were allowable under grant funds and agreed upon in consultation, GaDOE looks to federal and state travel policy regulations and guidance to allow these costs to be charged to the grant.



4.     Will unexpended ESSA funds be available for carryover?


Yes, under the Tydings Amendment and recently published Non-Regulatory Guidance, GaDOE asks LEAs to make any funds budgeted by law for equitable services to private schools and unexpended by September 30, 2020 to be made available to private schools in school year 2020-2021.



5.     Will school closures impact the availability of 2020-2021 Funds?


At this time, the Georgia Department of Education has not received any communication indicating a disruption to 2020-2021 ESSA funding or services. However, due to public and private school closings, there may be a delay in collecting the data due by June 30, 2020 that is required to determine 2020-2021 funding available for school districts and private schools. The Georgia Department of Education will send additional communication if such a delay occurs.



6.     What resources are available from the Georgia Department of Education and the United States Department of Education?


The United States Department of Education has made guidance relative to the Coronavirus available on their website. This includes information on FERPA, civil rights, and special education services. Guidance can be accessed at 
7.     May private schools use in a more flexible manner the technology purchased with federal funds under equitable services?

Yes. GaDOE believes that due to 'shelter in place' orders in effect in various cities across Georgia, the needs of private school students may have changed if they are now accessing schoolwork and related support remotely.


Private school students may take federally purchased devices home in order to ensure continued access to the educational services and supports agreed upon in consultation.

8.     Because private schools may not have completed ELP assessments, how could this impact reporting and allocations relative to equitable services?


In determining EL student population counts for private schools, GaDOE will include:

·      Students first identified in 2019-2020 using ELP screeners administered between March 2019 FTE and March 2020 FTE, and

·      Students who have not 'exited' English learner status based on the most recently available ELP assessment. With federal and statewide waivers in place for assessments, this may mean that ELP assessments administered in Spring 2019 are the assessments results most recently available.



In determining EL student population counts for private schools, GaDOE will include:

·      Students first identified in 2020-2021 using ELP screeners administered between March 2020 FTE and March 2021 FTE and

·      Students who have not 'exited' English learner status based on the most recently available ELP assessment. With federal and statewide waivers in place for assessments, this may mean that ELP assessments administered in Spring 2019 are the assessments results most recently available.

9.     May funds for equitable services be used to provide training for teachers and tutors on virtual platforms for student learning?

Yes. Most Title funds can already be used to support training specific to student needs, including information on virtual platforms used to provide educational services and supports to students. Funds may be used

·      to provide additional compensation to individuals providing training,

·      to pay third-party contractors, vendors, etc. for training

·      To provide teachers and/or tutors stipends for time spent attending professional development including live and recorded professional development sessions.

LEAs should continue to ensure that any payments are aligned to specific student needs, are documented for time and effort and follow local procurement policies (including stipends). Please note that due to unprecedented circumstances, some LEAs may want to review and, if applicable, update policies to allow for increased flexibility in extenuating circumstances. Consultation between LEA and private school officials is critical during this time.