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 Title III, Part A - School Closures

1.     Could LEAs use Title IIIA funds to pay for postage to mail information to parents of ELs about school closure, suggestions for EL students to do at home, and ways to communicate with ESOL teachers?LEAs may use Title III, Part A funds to pay for postage to mail information to parents of Title IIIA-served English learners.  Any information made available to all parents in the LEA would be the responsibility of the LEA. 
2.     Could an LEA amend a Title III budget to purchase academic language-focused instructional supplies to send home with Title III-served ELs during school closures?Yes. When English learners are receiving supplemental services through language support provided by the Title IIIA-purchased instructional supplies, these students would be considered Title III-served. 
3.     EL Entrance Procedures require a 10-day window to screen a potential English learner when registration occurs during the school year (not at the beginning) - Could the 10-day window be waived during school closures?Guidance on Provisional EL Entrance and EL Exit Procedures during school closures are now posted on the ESOL Language Program website.


4.     EL Exit Procedures require an EL Reclassification Team to meet and consider EL students for exit who score below the state exit criteria of ACCESS CPL – 5, when LEAs have chosen this flexibility. Could the EL Reclassification meetings occur in August instead of May, if schools are still closed?

Guidance on Provisional EL Entrance and EL Exit Procedures during school closures are now posted on the ESOL Language Program website.




5.     LEAs have flexibility to review GA Milestones results in addition to ACCESS scores when considering EL students for exit.  What guidance would the state provide now that we may not have GA Milestones scores?LEAs may want to consider reviewing EL students' ACCESS Composite Literacy Proficiency Level as well as the Overall Composite Proficiency Level. This was a 2nd criterion prior to the ESSA. 
6.     Could LEAs hold IEP meetings virtually to consider EL/SWD for exit if the student meets the state criteria?Follow Special Education guidance for virtual IEP meetings that consider reclassification for EL/SWD. 
7.     Could an LEA embed the Home Language Survey in the online registration process?Yes. See guidance EL Language Programs State Guidance, p. 11.

