Professional Learning Courses in Georgia Learns
Understanding Assessment Course Series
A strong understanding of educational assessment is foundational to high-quality assessment practices in classrooms. An educator becomes assessment literate by mastering basic principles of sound assessment design, implementation, interpretation, and use to meet the diverse needs of all students.
The purpose of this thirteen-course series is to provide K-12 educators and leaders with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to design, select, interpret and use assessments to make better educational decisions for students and, ultimately, improve student achievement outcomes.
Using DRC BEACON Early Years for Literacy Screening
This course is designed to support educators who will utilize DRC BEACON Early Years for literacy screening. The course includes important information on all components of the DRC BEACON Early Years assessment, including computer adaptive tests (CAT) in ELA and mathematics, an educator-administered Fluency and Oral Language Assessment (FOLA), Literacy Screening Profiles, student reports, and BEACON Educator Instructional Strategies (BEIS), and how they work together to provide valuable information to educators. The purpose of this course is to support educators using DRC BEACON Early Years for literacy screening, including both universal reading and dyslexia screening.
Professional Learning Events in GaDOE Community
Our GaDOE professional learning events catalog, housed in GaDOE Community, contains registration information for upcoming virtual and in-person webinars, workshops, and conferences. On-demand, pre-recorded webinars and by-request opportunities are also available to meet educators' professional learning needs. Most by-request offerings are virtual, both synchronous and asynchronous. Professional learning events are updated quarterly, and educational stakeholders are encouraged to visit the site often to review the latest agencywide offerings. View our professional learning events here.
The pre-recorded webinars listed below, hosted by the Office of Assessment and Accountability, are available via the professional learning events catalog.
Understanding Georgia Milestones
Do you have questions about the Georgia Milestones assessments? This webinar series answers frequently asked questions related to test design, reading passages, test questions, item scoring, test results, and score interpretation.
Georgia Milestones Assessment System: Evaluating and Improving Student Writing
Reading and Evidence-Based Writing (ELA Section 1)
| Introduction to Reading and Evidence-Based Writing- Review the characteristics of Reading and Evidence-Based Writing (REBW)
- Delineate how REBW is assessed on the Georgia Milestones English Language Arts Assessment
- Discuss the Georgia Milestones constructed-response scoring philosophy
- Examine the REBW item set and associated student performance expectations
- Review the REBW Item and Scoring Samplers and Supplements
- Explore best practices to facilitate REBW in the classroom
| Examining the Opinion Essay in Grades 3-5
- Review the Georgia Standards of Excellence aligned to the Opinion Essay
- Discuss key terms associated with opinion writing
- Explore the Georgia Milestones English Language Arts scoring philosophy and characteristics of the opinion essay
- Navigate the resources aligned to the opinion essay
- Explore the presentation of the opinion essay item
- Analyze student exemplars for the opinion essay
| Examining the Argumentative Essay in Grades 6-High School
- Review the Georgia Standards of Excellence aligned to the Argumentative Essay
- Discuss key terms associated with argumentative writing
- Explore the Georgia Milestones English Language Arts scoring philosophy and characteristics of the argumentative essay
- Navigate the resources aligned to the argumentative essay
- Explore the presentation of the argumentative essay item
- Analyze student exemplars for the argumentative essay
| Examining the Informative/Explanatory Essay in Grades 3-High School Review Georgia Standards of Excellence aligned to the informative/explanatory Essay- Discuss key terms associated with informative/explanatory writing
- Explore the Georgia Milestones English Language Arts scoring philosophy and characteristics of the informative/explanatory essay
- Navigate the resources aligned the informative/explanatory essay
- Writers Checklist
- Seven-Point, Two-Trait Rubric
- Explore the presentation of the informative/explanatory essay item
- Analyze student exemplars aligned to the informative/explanatory essay item
Narrative Writing
| Learning Expectations and Best Practices for Narrative Writing
- Identify student expectations related to narrative writing
- Develop understanding around the practice of narrative writing
- Explore best practices in teaching and assessing narrative writing
| Examining the Georgia Milestones Extended Constructed-Response Item & Resources
- Explore characteristics of the narrative item on the Georgia Milestones ELA assessment
- Review the scoring philosophy for narrative items on Georgia Milestones
- Navigate Georgia Milestones narrative writing resources
| Using Description to Develop Characters, Events, and Experiences
- Identify student expectations for using description in narrative writing
- Explain why and how to effectively use description in narrative writing
- Explore the use of description in authentic mentor texts and student exemplars
| | Grades 3-5
| Grades 6-8
| High School