Question | Answer | |
1. What about the Title I requirement of spending 85% of our funds this year, when we are not here? Is there going to be some flexibility? | Georgia has received approval of our waiver request to USDE from the Title I 15% carryover threshold. More guidance will follow on this carryover flexibility for FY20. Also, GaDOE is expecting that our EdFlex application to USDE will be approved by May 2020 and then LEAs may request this flexibility directly from GaDOE. More guidance on this will follow. | |
2. If the paraprofessionals are used in a non-instructional capacity, such as preparing the replenishment of paper packets, is this allowable for them to continue to be paid with federal funds? Can we assign them monitoring duties for software packages under the supervision of a teacher and continue to pay their salaries with federal funds? | Yes, whatever the LEA's job responsibilities/assignments are for your non-federally funded paraprofessionals should be followed for the federally funded paraprofessionals. | |
3. Some of the things that we could spend our Title I funds on to help the children is not in our CLIP. Should we amend our CLIP? | Amendments to the FY20 CLIP are not required. The LEA may choose to make amendments in situations where significant adjustments are occurring. Additional guidance will be provided as it becomes available. | |
4. If we purchase computers for a homeless shelter from our Title I set aside funds which are on the district level, what would be the appropriate function to use? | If the computers are for instructional purposes, then function 1000 object code 616 would be appropriate. It would be charged against the 8010 facility code which means it's charged against the central office since the budget line item is coming from a set-aside. You would inventory these laptops in the central office's list and show its location at the homeless shelter. | |
5. Our eligible Title I school is preparing to work on their National Distinguished Title I application. Do you foresee this process and the due date remaining unaffected by the changes made across the state due to COVID-19? | Yes, we will be extending the due date of the application until June 30, 2020. | |
6. Is there any guidance for revision meetings for FY21 Parent and Family Engagement Plans/Policies and/or School-Parent Compacts planned for the last quarter? | There is flexibility to having in-person meetings for the purpose of jointly developing and implementing outreach programs, activities, and procedures in meaningful consultation with parents and families for the LEA and School Parent and Family Engagement Policies, as well as School-Parent Compacts. Meetings do not have to take place during a specific time period or when in-person meetings are not an option, as is the case with the current COVID-19 Pandemic. Alternatives may include: • Holding in-person meetings during the summer or in the early fall (Once current restrictions are lifted). • Hosting online meetings (Facebook Live, Zoom, GoTo, Skype, Google, or other online platform) • Conducting conference calls to parents • Seeking input through online surveys sent to parents (via emails, website or Facebook posts, placed in Google Classroom, sent through the SLDS, etc.) The current circumstances provide a unique opportunity for teachers and schools to reach out to parents to build educational partnerships through the SLDS Parent Portal and other online / virtual resources that may be found on the Family-School Partnership Capacity Building website. Districts who are choosing option 2 for their FY21 CLIP must update/create a 2020-2021 LEA School and Family Engagement Policy, using the input they have already collected. Obtaining new input is not necessary. Those districts choosing to clone their FY20 CLIP, will use the 2019-2020 LEA Policy that was submitted last year. If updates are made once the CLIP is approved, they can submit it later as an amendment to their FY21 CLIP. | New! 6.8.2020 |
7. If districts do not return for the remainder of the school year, is there any guidance and/or suggestions from the Family-School Partnership team for providing a Building Staff Capacity and/or Building Parent Capacity session for the last quarter of the school year? | Schools should have the flexibility to offer building capacity options for staff and/or parents via online opportunities that could include the following: · Online meeting options (Facebook Live, Zoom, GoTo, Skype, Google, or other online platform) · Conference calls to families and/or staff · Online/Social Media posts, articles, links, videos, etc. · Emails with attachments to online/social media posts, articles, link, etc. | |
8. Are distribution requirements still the same for district parent-family engagement plans, even though the document isn't updated? | The statue does require the district and school-level parent and family engagement documentation to be distributed; therefore, to provide flexibility, districts may distribute their active/revised documents using at least one method as identified on the distribution checklist. For example, a district or school may opt to continue to use their website as a distribution method. | |
9. Do we need to host our district family engagement planning meetings since the plan will be carried over to FY21? We send surveys for our parents during the spring for feedback on the school and district family engagement plans. Can we hold off on sending these surveys? We have new Title I schools who have not had the opportunity to complete the CNA and hold meetings with families and community members. Should we complete this virtually? | The statute does require parent input into the Parent and Family Engagement compliance documentation. However, under the current conditions, we must be flexible and there are many options to consider. Alternatives may include: 1) Holding in-person meetings during the summer or in the early fall (Once current restrictions are lifted.); 2) Hosting online meetings (Facebook Live, Zoom, GoToMeeting, Skype, Google, or other online platforms); 3) Conducting conference calls to parents; and 4) Seeking input through online surveys sent to parents (via emails, website or Facebook posts, placed in Google Classroom, sent through the SLDS, etc.). The current circumstances provide a unique opportunity for teachers and schools to reach out to parents to build educational partnerships through the SLDS Parent Portal and other online/virtual resources that may be found on the Family-School Partnership Capacity Building website. | |
10. If the District Parent and Family and Engagement Plan is extended through the selection of Option 1, does that also apply for the school level Parent and Family Engagement Plan and School Parent Compact? What will happen with the Parent Engagement policies if we were not able to conduct input meetings? Do we just use the FY20 policy? Is a revision date required? | Due to school closures during the 2019-2020 school year, district plans/policies, school plan/policy and compacts may remain active for the 2020-2021 school year. Revisions and updates will be made and distributed to families as changes are made with our goal of having new and updated Family and Community Engagement compliance documents for the 2021-2022 school year. In addition to providing this statement to families, the GaDOE recommends that districts and schools select one method of distribution as described in the distribution checklist. | |
11. Are LEAs able to allow schools to use their FY20 SWP/SIP for FY21 (and let them make modifications/updates, if needed)? | Yes, LEAs' schools (including TSI/CSI schools) may use their FY20 SWP/SIP for their FY21 SWP/SIP. Schoolwide Plans/School Improvement Plans can be modified/updated at any time based upon the identified needs of the school. | |
12. Can schools clone their Title I SWPs? | LEAs choosing to clone the FY20 school improvement plan (SIP) in the SLDS SIPOnline application for FY21 will need to ensure the FY20 SIP was submitted by the person with the SCHOOL USER role to the person with the SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR role. The person with the SCHOOL ADMINISTATOR role is the only person who can clone the FY20 SIP.
LEAs with schools participating in the GaDOE Consolidation of Funds Initiative should ensure that schoolwide plans and intents and purposes align. While many areas of focus may remain the same from one year to the next, it is critical for schools adding new programs to consolidation to ensure their schoolwide plan reflects these updates. | New! 6.8.2020 |
13. Do schools have to have stakeholder input for their SWPs? | The statute does require parent input into the Title I SWP. However, under the current conditions, we must be flexible and there are many options to consider. Alternatives may include: 1) Holding in-person meetings during the summer or in the early fall (Once current restrictions are lifted.); 2) Hosting online meetings (Facebook Live, Zoom, GoTo, Skype, Google, or other online platforms); 3) Conducting conference calls to parents; and 4) Seeking input through online surveys sent to parents (via emails, website or Facebook posts, placed in Google Classroom, sent through the SLDS, etc.). The current circumstances provide a unique opportunity for teachers and schools to reach out to parents to build educational partnerships through the SLDS Parent Portal and other online/virtual resources that may be found on the Family-School Partnership Capacity Building website. | |
14. Do LEAs still have to complete a wavier for schools that we are requesting to continue as schoolwide Title I school? | If a school's poverty is below 40% and the LEA would like to serve that school as a Title I Schoolwide Program, then the LEA would need to submit the Title I Schoolwide Poverty Waiver for this school. The application is posted on the Federal Programs/Title I, Part A/Resources page. The deadline for the application has changed to June 30th. | |
15. Has Title I, Part A 15% carryover been waived? | Georgia has received approval of our waiver request to USDE from the Title I 15% carryover threshold. More guidance will follow on this carryover flexibility for FY20. Also, GaDOE is expecting that our EdFlex application to USDE will be approved by May 2020 and then LEAs may request this flexibility directly from GaDOE for FY21 and moving forward. More guidance on this will follow. | |
16. If there are RAM/P updates, do we just upload that as an attachment? | The Title I, Part A RAM/P requirement can be updated at any time. The most current RAM/P should be attached to the ConApp in the Portal. | |
17. If we've already submitted a SW waiver, when will the decisions be announced? | For the Title I Schoolwide Poverty Threshold Waiver applications that have been submitted, Title I will be announcing the approvals by May 1st. | |
18. Is there a due date for the National Title I Distinguished school Application?
| The deadline for the National Title i Distinguished School application has changed to June 30th. More details and guidance will follow soon. |