Because Georgia’s 2015 Elementary and Secondary Education Act
(ESEA) Flexibility Waiver expired, there is no longer a federal requirement for
the notification to parents regarding Priority, Focus, and Reward School
designations. Parent notification for school designation, Flexible
Learning Program, and Public School Choice in regards to Priority and
Focus Schools are not required by the ESSA.
Parent Notifications
Notice to Parents of English Learners
stated in both Title I and Title III under the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act (ESEA), the overarching parent and family engagement law
regarding notices to parents of participating English Learners (ELs) receiving
supplemental language support is now solely under Title I, Part A, Section
1112(e)(3) in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Local educational
agencies (LEAs)
are required to send notification, in a language and format appropriate
for the reader, to parents of ELs who have been selected to participate
in the LEA’s Title III or Title I supplemental language program. This
notice also permits the parent to waive participation in the
Title-funded services. To download templates, visit the Parents of English Learners page.
Professional Qualifications
All schools must provide notification to all parents regarding their right to request teacher and paraprofessional qualifications. This parent right-to-know notification must be shared at the start of the school year. For a sample parent notification template,
visit the Professional Qualifications webpage.
Distribution Checklist
Title I, Part A, Section 1116 of the ESSA requires that each school served under Title I, Part A, distribute to parents and family members of participating children a written district-level and school-level parent and family engagement policy and school-parent compacts.
Checklist for Distribution (MS Word Document, 2 pages)
Annual Title I Parent Meeting
Timely Parent Outreach: Annual Title I Meeting and Parent Information (ESSA)
Title I schools are required to host an annual meeting at a convenient time for all parents of particpating students. It is important to ensure that all parents are invited and encouraged to attend. This meeting serves to inform parents about the school's participation in the Title I program, explain the program's requirements, and clarify the rights and opportunities for parent involvement.
For LEAs with Title I schools, it is important to provide parents with timely information about the Title I programs. This includes sharing the LEA and school-level parent and family engagement policies, including the compact; details about the curriculum in use; the forms of academic assessment emplyed to measure student progress; and the achievement levels associated with the State's academic standards.
Power Tips Video: Annual Title I Meeting