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Data Workbook Template- Gr. 3-8.xltx updated March 7, 2024
Continuous Improvement Team Agenda - District .docx
School CIT Running Agenda Master Template.docx
District Continuous Improvement Team Agenda.pdf
The Collaborative Planning Process Guide provides a framework to use when helping school administrators develop and monitor effective collaborative planning processes. This guide outlines action steps and resources to effectively support school administrators in developing and monitoring collaborative planning.
The purpose of the Data-Driven Decision Making Process Guide is to assist local educational agencies (LEAs) understand the school improvement planning process as the driver for continuous improvement. A critical component of the school improvement planning process is writing a school improvement plan (SIP) that is data-driven. A thoughtful and well-written SIP communicates specific, intentional actions to reach a desired outcome. Data-driven decision making refers to a school's ongoing process of collecting and analyzing multiple sources of formative and summative data to guide decisions toward improvement of the educational process. DDDM involves making decisions that are supported by data rather than making decisions that are intuitive or based on observation alone.
The Leadership Team Process Guide provides a school with detailed information on how to establish a strong leadership team to fully implement the Effective Leadership System and supporting structures within Georgia’s Systems of Continuous Improvement (GSCI). The school will be able to evaluate the current practices of their leadership team by completing a self-assessment using the High Impact Practices Implementation Rubric. Following the self-assessment, the leadership team will discuss the progression needed to move the team to exemplary status and identify targeted actions for improvement. The Leadership Team Review Process Guide provides resources and exemplars to assist schools in improving leadership team evidenced-based practices to support the continuous improvement cycle.
HIP Leadership Team Self-Reflection Form_Fillable.pdf
HIP Rubric_School Leadership Team Observation Feedback Form_Fillable.pdf
Leadership Team HIP Rubric.fillable.pdf
Short-Term Action Plan Template .docx
Leadership Team Agenda Template.docx
2023-Improving-Outcomes-Series-Presentations-and-Recordings (1).pdf
2024-Improving-Outcomes-Series-Presentations-and-Recordings (1).docx