Any teacher working with
students certified to receive accessible materials can register with the GIMC. Use
the AEMs eligibility form to certify students who are not able to use
conventional print. Local district documentation procedures must be followed.
Registered Patrons can
§ add or
edit students' records,
§ order
§ special
request production of new materials,
§ complete
annual census for the legally blind students
Requested accessible
educational materials are mailed directly to the requesting teacher.
Teachers are responsible to ensure that copyrighted materials are used
solely by authorized students.
General Supervision at the local district level includes
developing procedures, training, and monitoring of implementation related to
the Special Factors of AEMs, aka "accessible format for instructional
materials" as well as the assistive technology needed to use those
District procedures should include a data-driven process to determine
individual student requirements for AEMs. A simple 4-Step process has been
developed (available in District Resources) as a guide to use when developing
or revising local procedures.
Curriculum selection at the local district level should include consideration
of accessibility for print and electronic media. Contractual language
addressing access to materials should be included for all district purchases
(see District Resources). Additionally, the proposed curriculum should be examined
for Universal Design for Learning (UDL) components prior to material adoption.
Choosing curriculum materials with "built-in" access benefits all
students and increases the likelihood of instructional differentiation.
District support can be obtained from the GaDOE as well as the
Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST).
These resources assist districts in fostering programmatic change that
encourages UDL and the development of expert learners. The following graphic
shows how simply districts can provide curriculum access through UDL and create
strategic, resourceful, and purposeful learners. It is important that districts
take advantage of the readily available resources that provide access to the curriculum for Student Success. Some resources can be provided with little expense
or effort, like providing access to gather and respond to information in
alternative formats like braille, large print, auditory, and digital formats. Other
resources are those that require a commitment that support system change, to support expert
learners who are strategic, goal-oriented, and resourceful. Link to accessible descriptive image file.
Student Registration and Ordering System
Use the following links
below to access DataLnx, the GIMC ordering and student registration system.
Refer to this Datalnx search tips link to learn the best way to
search for specific items in the database.
student registration and ordering system login
§ Request account or update existing accounts
§ NEW: Renew, transfer and report lost or consumed materials through the online ordering system
§ Submit consents to release Personally Identifiable Information