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 Georgia Learning Resources System


The Georgia Learning Resources System (GLRS) is a network of 18 regional programs that provide training and resources to school district personnel, parents of students with disabilities, and other interested individuals to support the functional and academic achievement, graduation rate, and post-secondary success of students with disabilities.

The network is funded by the Georgia Department of Education, Divisions for Special Education Services and Supports, and is operated in collaboration with Regional Educational Service Agencies and local school districts that serve as fiscal agents for the network. The GLRS Resources System is funded entirely with federal discretionary funds made available through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA).

GLRS staff are specialized in providing professional learning, technical assistance and coaching for school systems on a variety of topics related to students with disabilities including:

  • Providing Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) support to school systems.
  • Providing training on IEP writing, implementation, and monitoring.
  • Providing training on Specially Designed Instruction, High Leverage Practices (HLP, and evidence-based practices to meet the whole child needs of students with disabilities.
  • ​Supporting the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) - Student Success: Imagine the Possibilities and implementing dropout prevention initiatives.
  • Conducting Comprehensive Data Analysis.
  • Facilitating math and reading projects.
  • Supporting new special education teachers and leaders.
  • Training instructional coaches to support all students and teachers.
  • Supporting transition planning and assistive technology.


        FY19 GLRS Annual Summary Report





  • Check & Connect is an intervention used with K-12 students who show early warning signs of disengagement with school and who are at risk of dropping out.
  • Mentoring is at the core of Check & Connect by building trusting relationships between the student, mentor and family.
  • GLRS are trained state trainers and provide FREE statewide training and support.
  • Contact your regional GLRS for more information or to schedule an implementation and mentor training.




  Check out Georgia Check and Connect



   Georgia Teacher/Provider Retention Program - GaDOE

Model Induction Program for Georgia Special Education Teachers TPRP is designed to support the Georgia Department of Education in their efforts to improve the retention of new special education teachers through the development and implementation of high-quality mentoring and induction programs. The Center on Great Teachers and Leaders (GTL) and Kennesaw State University (KSU) will provide train-the-trainer materials for professional development sessions for GLRS in addressing high-leverage practices and Individualized Education Program development and implementation. GLRS will support the induction program based on the needs of each region. Contact your GLRS for region specific details including dates and number of sessions. ​​
