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Homeless Education Conference Archive

Fall 2019 Homeless Education Conference Presentations 

  1. “Enhancing Services for McKinney-Vento and Foster Youth Through Annual Program Monitoring”

  2. “Preparing McKinney-Vento Seniors for Life Beyond High School ”   

  3. “Engaging ALL Families of ALL Students”

  4. “Foster to College: Embark and Education and Training Vouchers (ETV)”        

  5. “Homeless Education 101: New Homeless Liaisons Training”

  6. “TANF Aligns with Rapid Rehousing to Provide Housing for Homeless Families”

  7. “Title IV, A: An Overview of Strategies that Support McKinney-Vento and Foster Youth”​

  8. “From Awkward to Awesome: Promising Practices in Collaborative Efforts of School and Community Social Services Providers for Improved Student Outcomes”

  9. “Dispute Resolution: Emerging Topics for McKinney-Vento and Foster Care Students”    

  10. “Childcare for Families Experiencing Homelessness”