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Monitoring Family Engagement

Cross-Functional Monitoring Indicators 7 and 8

Indicator 7: Title I, Part A - Notice to Parents

For details of federal requirements, please refer to p.16​-17 of the FY24 Cross-Functional Monitoring Document (9-15-23) by clicking here​. For Frequently Asked Questions, a Determining Support for English Learners visual, and a template of the Title I Parent Notification in English and 14 other languages, please refer to the Parents of English Learners webpage at To view the flowchart for determining support for English Learners, click on the image below. 


  • Your district's written procedures for notifying parents of English Learners (ELs) who are selected to participate in a Title I or Title III funded supplemental English language support.

  1. Copy of the notification in English and samples of notifications in other languages applicable to the parents of the selected ELs.

  2. Documentation and date of distribution. Please refer to the FY24 Cross-Functional Monitoring Document for examples of distribution methods.

REMINDER: Please do not submit FERPA protected documents. Redact student names, assessment results, and any other personally identifiable information.​

Note that the Title I, Part A Office monitors Parents' Right to Know notifications. The Professional Qualifications webpage is located at

Indicator 8: Title I, Part A - Parent and Family Engagement

For details of federal requirements, please refer to pp.17-23 of the FY24​ Cross-Functional Monitoring Document (9-15-23) by clicking here.

8.1 Parent Input

Multiple Input Opportunities for a.) School Parent and Family Engagement Policy/Plan, b.) School-Parent Compacts, c.) Building School Staff Capacity, and d.) 1% set-aside

  1. Documents for the Recommended Primary Method: In-person or online meetings.

  2. Documents for the Suggested Secondary Methods to reach parents who could not attend the in-person or online meetings.

The input into the 1% set-aside only applies to LEAs with Title I, Part A allocations greater than $500,000 per year. 

8.2 District Technical Assistance to Title I Schools

  • ​LEA written Policies and Procedures describing how district leadership will provide technical assistance to Title I schools to plan and implement effective family engagement practices and ensure 
  • Documents for one meeting with dated meeting agenda and dated sign-in sheet​​​ with roles of attendees. In addition, provide meeting minutes, meeting notes/summary, presentation slides, or sample handouts such as a copy of the LEA procedures to show evidence of topics discussed were focused on the procedures for implementing Title I requirements. 
  • Documents for multiple sample emails or other communications from the LEA to Title I funded staff regarding Title I, Part A, Section 1116 and Section 1112(e)(3) requirements, e.g., guidance on the school parent and family engagement policy/plan, schoolparent compact, outreach to parents of ELs, and notice to parents of participating ELs.

8.3 Distribution in Multiple Ways and Accessibility

Multiple Distribution Methods prior to November 1 for the a.) LEA/District Parent and Family Engagement Policy/Plan, b.) School Parent and Family Engagement Policy/Plan, c.) School-Parent Compacts. 

  • Documents for the Annual Title I Parent Meeting in English and a language and format parents can understand.
  • Documents for the Secondary Distribution Method in English and a language and format parents can understand.

For the School-Parent Compact, the LEA/School must provide samples of completed signatures sheets or sections of the school-parent compact signed and dated prior to November 1. Please do not provide the Parents' Right to Know notification to the Family-School Partnership Program team. The Title I, Part A Office monitors Parents' Right to Know notifications. 

8.4 School Parent and Family Engagement Policy/Plan


  • Only provide copies of the School Parent and Family Engagement Policies/Plans for each Title I school selected for monitoring. If your LEA is a single charter school or school system with one Title I school per grade band, you may provide a note stating the request does not apply to your LEA or you may upload your LEA Parent and Family Engagement Policy/Plan which was submitted with your Consolidated LEA Improvement Plan (CLIP).​
  • For templates and a checklist, visit the Family-School Partnership Program's Policies webpage​ and scroll down to School Parent and Family Engagement Policy/Plan.

8.5 School-Parent Compact


  • Only provide a copy of each selected Title I School's School-Parent Compact.
  • For templates and a checklist, visit the Family-School Partnership Program's Compacts webp​age​.

8​.6.a Building School Staff Capacity


  1. Documents of samples of building school staff capacity including 1.) Recommended Primary Method of an in-person or online faculty meeting, and 2.) continuous communications with faculty.

Title I schools implementing Academic Parent-Teacher Teams (APTT)​ and show documentation of implementing APTT with fidelity will have met the requirements of building school staff capacity.

8.6.b Building Parent Capacity


  • Documents of opportunities for all parents at each selected Title I school including 1.) Recommended Primary Method of in-person sessions in English and in a language and format parents can understand, and 2.) continuous communications with parents in English and in a language and format parents can understand.

Title I schools implementing APTT and show documentation of implementing APTT with fidelity will have met the requirements of building parent capacity.

This webpage was last updated on 10/10/2023.
