The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) guarantees students with disabilities the right to be educated with their peers in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) to the maximum extent appropriate. IDEA also guarantees students with disabilities access to a full continuum of services. It is up to the IEP team to determine the Least Restrictive Environment for an individual student. The IEP team also determines the supports and accommodations necessary for successful participation in the LRE and other special education services as needed.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) demands states improve student performance and prepare all students for college and careers by building better accountability, developing effective teachers and leaders, and increasing learner access to effective instructional practices.
Co-teaching is more than using a model. It’s a partnership to provide substantially different instruction and outcomes for students with two teachers in the room. It is recommended that co-teaching teams participate in the professional learning together.
Co-teaching provides a framework to increase access to the general curriculum, to provide the learner access to effective academic and behavior instructional practices and to provide a multi-tiered system of support to all students by having two teachers in the classroom. It also provides a collaborative environment for teachers to work and learn together building on each other’s strengths while working together to plan, instruct, and, assess all students in the class.
The Co-Teaching Series are six modules and resources that were created in collaboration with Georgia Learning Resources System (GLRS) and the Georgia Department of Education for educators to use individually or to build capacity at the district and school level through professional learning communities. These modules are best facilitated as professional learning communities with co-teaching teams. Districts may also contact their regional Georgia Learning Resources System (GLRS) to schedule regional professional learning, technical assistance, and coaching for co-teaching.
The Co-Teaching Series can be accessed through the Co-Teaching Series link at the right.
Districts also have access to the training and materials the Georgia Learning Resources System (GLRS) included in designing a course entitled “Co-Teaching Additional Modules”. These modules go beyond the basics of Co-Teaching. These can be accessed through the Co-Teaching Additional Modules Introduction link on the right side of this webpage.
If you have any questions or requests, please contact Susan Brozovic, Program Specialist for Systemic Improvement at or 470-316-8634 or Ann Cross, Program Manager for GLRS at
Additional LRE Resource
Education for Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities
The TIES Center at the University of Minnesota developed the content for the most recent issue of Impact magazine. This issue explores inclusive education through the perspectives of researchers, teachers, education administrators, students, and parents. They share knowledge, skills, experiences, and resources that can help K-8 schools nationwide support the learning and inclusion of all students.