Team training for implementation of School-wide PBIS (SW-PBIS), provided by the Georgia Department of Education, helps schools gain the knowledge and skills needed to establish behavioral supports at the universal level (i.e., Tier 1) and create a positive school climate. The training workshops teach school teams the decision making framework that should guide selection, integration, and implementation of the best evidence-based academic and behavioral practices. These practices result in improvement of important academic and behavioral outcomes for all students. Having effective school-wide PBIS is necessary before schools are able to successfully establish a continuum of more intensive behavioral supports (i.e., Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4 supports). Without first establishing a foundation of supports and demonstrating implementation fidelity at this level, additional behavioral supports, training, or curricula struggle to be effective and do not sustain over time.
The GaDOE GaPBIS Team facilitates district‐level planning and provides school team training, technical assistance and ongoing coaching to PBIS district coordinators in order to build capacity and support the PBIS process. School PBIS implementation occurs in districts where active support through a district leadership team, a district action plan and district coordinator has been established.
Districts Interested in Implementing PBIS
District PBIS Resource Documents
PBIS Implementation Science Resources