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 OT/PT Training Videos

​The Division for Special Education Services and Supports has designed this series of videos to assist districts in training administrators, teachers and occupational and physical therapists in the use of the OT/PT guidance tools.  Each video module has a corresponding transcript.  We are currently reshooting the modules to provide a better quality video.  The transcripts reflect the content of the new modules.  Any language that has been changed is highlighted. 

The following outlines the content of each module:

1. Introduction (Time: 1:12)  Video  Transcript 

  • Overview of the modules
  • Purpose of the modules
  • Introduction of guidance tools

2. Characteristics of Educationally Relevant Therapy and Medical/Clinical Model   Guidance (Time: 5:38) Video  Transcript 

  • Overview of guidance development
  • State recommendation in use
  • Review of each section of the guidance

3. Considerations for Educationally Relevant Therapy (Considerations) Tool: General Overview (Time: 4:00) Video  Transcript 

  • State’s position on the use of the tool
  • Information sources
  • Continuum of services
  • Who participates in the completion of the tool

4. Considerations Tool: Components  (Time: 11:30) Video  Transcript 

  • Identification of various sections
  • Review of rubric used for completing Student Profile section
  • Steps for completing the Student Profile sections
  • Review of rubric used for completing Therapy Profile section
  • Steps for completing the Therapy Profile section

5. Considerations Tool: Recommendations (Time: 6:36) Video  Transcript 

  • General guidelines for when the recommendation is made
  • Directions for filling out scoring grid
  • Making the recommendation
  • Recommendation categories guidelines