School Improvement Dashboard
The SI Dashboard provides an insight of different data variables reflected at a school, district, and state level. These variables are grouped under different components to easily reach the specific element. For
example, Student Attendance and Student Mobility are placed under Student information; finance tools such as Per
Pupil Expenditure, Financial Efficiency Star Rating (FESR), and STAR Climate Rating are placed under Star
Rating; Teacher and Leader Information will include Teacher attendance, Ineffective counts, Inexperienced
counts, TAPS/LAPS Summative Distribution; Student performance data includes Lexile Rate, Graduation rate;
and CCRPI is available under Student Improvement.
The data variables used for the SI dashboard currently reflects data collected from FY16 through FY19.
The data variables used in the SI Dashboard are listed below. They are grouped under the six different
components below.
- Student Information
- Star Rating
- Teacher Information
- Leader Information
- Student Performance
- School Improvement
School Improvment Dashboard User Manual