Career Cluster Pathways
Cluster Resources
New Middle School Georgia Standards of Excellence for Family and Consumer Sciences
What It's About
There are two pathways found under this cluster area: Early Childhood Education and Teaching as a Profession. The careers found within these pathways involve teaching and other tasks associated with schools, libraries, and museums such as school administrator, school counselor, pre-K-12 teacher, paraprofessional, etc. Students are prepared to plan, manage, and provide education and training services, and related learning support services. Those services include administration, teaching/training, administrative support, and professional support services. These pathways will also introduce the foundations of education, combined with knowledge and skills, gained both in the classroom and in the workplace, to prepare students for a career in Education. During the practicum course, students are given the opportunity to use the skills taught in the classroom in a real-world experience.
Why It's Important
Georgia’s major focus, along with many other states in the nation, is education and how we can improve the educational system for our student. The large number of educators that are at, or nearing the age of retirement, combined with the small number of teacher educators graduating from college, is a concern. These are some of the reasons the Education and Training cluster is important! We need to start growing our own teachers in our local communities across Georgia.