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205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SEAtlanta, GA 30334Local (404) 656-2800Toll Free: (800) 311-3627 (GA)Fax: (404) 651-8737Email: askdoe@gadoe.org
Below are the lab layout drawings as of summer 2016. We suggest that you consult your architect, GaDOE Facilities representative, CTAE Program Specialist in determining the appropriate lab layout.
Architecture and Engineering Drawing
Audio-Video Technology
Auto Collision
Auto Service Technology
Aviation Maintenance
Biotechnology (In process of being updated.)
Business Computer Science Multi-Use
Career Technical Instruction
Construction Technology
Cosmetology (In process of being updated.)
Culinary Arts
Early Childhood Education
Engineering and Technology Education (MS and HS)
Family and Consumer Science
Flight Operations
Graphic Communications Technology
Graphic Design
Healthcare Science (In process of being updated.)
Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Refrigeration
Industrial Maintenance
Information Technology
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security (In process of being updated.)
Machining Technology
Marketing Education
Middle School Business
Middle School Family and Consumer Science
Middle School Healthcare Science - 1
Middle School - Law, Public Safety, Corrections,and Security (In process of being updated.)
Work-Based Learning