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Title III Program Management
Title III, Part A Language Program Handbook (Updated 26 Mar 2020)
Title III, Part A Statute: (Printing in landscape orientation recommended)
Title III "Pink Book" Cover
NonRegulatory Guidance: English learners and Title III of the ESEA as amended by the ESSA, 9-23-2016
Addendum to the Sept 23, 2016 Non-Regulatory Guidance: English learners and Title III of the ESEA as amended by the ESSA, 1-2-2019
2019 Federal Programs Conference Title III Program PPT
Title III, A Non-Regulatory Guidance Equitable Services for Private Schools
In-Depth Title IIIA Budgeting Webinar Recording
In-Depth Title IIIA Budgeting Webinar Script
FY21 Chart of Accounts
FY21 Budget Guiding Questions
Title IIIA Budget Submission Checklist
Budget Tips in Alphabetical Order
Effectiveness Level Template (Fillable Form)
Title III-recommended Logic Model Template
Field Trip Approval Form
Indirect Cost Rate Calculator
Title IIIA English Learner Field Trip Approval Form
Title IIIA Immigrant Field Trip Approval Form
Title III, Part A Regional LEA Consortia
Local School Districts (LEAs) may choose to form or join a Title III-A Regional LEA consortium when their individual English Learner (EL) student count does not meet the minimum threshold, but their collective EL student count with like-minded LEAs does meet this minimum. Per Title III, Part A statute, “a state educational agency shall not award a subgrant…if the amount of such subgrant would be less than $10,000” [Sec. 3114 (b)]. As federal funding varies from year to year, and as Georgia’s EL student population increases, the threshold number of EL students necessary to receive the minimum $10,000 Title III-A subgrant changes as well. In FY18, the minimum EL student count was 77; in FY19, it was 82. Thus, districts with fewer than 82 EL students did not qualify for the direct Title III, Part A subgrant in FY19, unless they formed or joined a Regional LEA Consortium in order to meet the minimum collectively.
For more information about the benefits and responsibilities of participating in a Title III, Part A Regional LEA Consortium, please review the resources below:
Archived Budget Resources
FY20 Federal Programs Overall Budget Training - Title IIIA Section
FY20 Title IIIA Budget Webinar (16 Aug 2019)
FY20 Title IIIA Budget PPT
Immigrant Grant Guidance