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 Student Discipline

​This purpose of this webpage is to provide schools/districts with information and resources for reporting student discipline infractions accurately and consistently and to help schools/districts provide ​safe and positive learning environments.  

State Board Rules & Policy Guidance


​Model Code of Conducts

​All states must develop a definition of "persistently dangerous" schools and allow public school choice for students who have been victims of a violent criminal offense or who attend a school that meets the definition of "persistently dangerous".​ Learn more...

Behavior Support Process

The Behavior Support process developed pursuant to the Improved Student Learning Environment and Discipline Act of 1999 "shall be designed to create the expectation that the process of disciplining students will include due consideration, as appropriate in light of the severity of the behavioral problem, of student support services that may help the student address behavioral problems and that may be available through the school, the school system, other public entities, or community organizations." [O.C.G.A.§ 20-2-735 (c)]

Parental Involvement Process

Safe, orderly high achieving schools require the collaboration and support of students, staff, parents, and the community. Improving Student Learning Environment and Discipline Act of 1999 requires that school systems develop a plan to involve parents in the creation and maintenance of a safe and orderly school environment which positively impacts the learning environment.

Progressive Discipline Process

"Progressive discipline processes, shall be designed to create the expectation that the degree of discipline will be in proportion to the severity of the behavior leading to the discipline, that the previous discipline history of the student being disciplined and other relevant factors will be taken into account, and that all due process procedures required by federal and state law will be followed." (O.C.G.A. § 20-2-735)

Student Code of Conduct

In addition to academic preparation, schools are responsible for instilling in our youth the behaviors that are required to sustain society. To achieve this goal, schools must identify what is acceptable behavior and what is unacceptable behavior. The latter would be incomplete without also specifying what consequences these bring. To a great degree, the level of effectiveness of this approach determines how successfully a school can teach academics.

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 Contact Information

Mark Muma
Program Manager, School Safety

Jeff Hodges
Program Specialist
Safe and Supportive Schools​​
(678) 552-0723

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Find us on Twitter @GaDOEWholeChild​